‘I Love My Baby, but He Made My Body Look Weird,’ Says Whitney Port

New-mommin’ ain’t easy, and we’re all about Whitney Port’s new YouTube series where she talks about the real stuff (good and bad) that comes along with having a tiny human.

In her newest video, titled “I Love My Baby, But I Wish My Body Didn’t Have to Change,” Port begins by revealing her initial fears when she first learned she was pregnant, saying, “I was fearful of how my body was going to change and that I wasn’t going to have control over it, because working out was one of those things that I could have control over.” 

Port goes on to reveal she gained 40 pounds over the course of her pregnancy and, even after giving birth to Sonny in July, she hasn’t come to terms with her new shape. She continues, “Putting together outfits for work or events or whatever I had to do was just a stressful thing for me because I hated how I looked. Even though gaining weight is a natural thing and good for the baby, I couldn’t help from having those bad thoughts come in.”

The reality-star-cum-fashion-designer further explained that her post-labor recovery was more difficult than she expected, and she feared the delivery would forever change her sex life with her husband, Tim Rosenman: “I was worried about...if it would feel the same, if [he] would feel the same way about me. I thought a lot about if [he] were attracted to me, and that was hard because I never was insecure about that before.”

Honesty at its finest, ladies and gents.

RELATED: Whitney Port Doesn’t Like Breastfeeding (And Doesn’t Care Who Knows It)