17 Creepy Photos Of Abandoned Places That You Won't Be Able To Look Away From, Even If You Want To

I've always been fascinated with abandoned places. Something about a place being forgotten with time but still standing really gets to me. Needless to say, I'm a big fan of the r/abandoned subreddit. But not everybody feels the same way. Plenty of other (normal?) people are completely freaked out by abandoned objects and places. In honor of spooky season, take a look at these 17 photos to find out which one you are:

1."A McDonald’s in Alaska. Frozen in time and abandoned since 1993/1994."

Abandoned McDonald's ordering menu
Inside an abandoned McDonald's
u/Rilo88 / Via reddit.com

2."An abandoned neighborhood with a dark history."

A deserted neighborhood

3."Last clam shell-shaped Shell gas station in the US. Built in the 1930s."

An abandoned Shell station

4."Miracle Strip Amusement Park in Panama City Beach, Florida."

Miracle Strip Amusement Park

5."I walked for 80 kilometers through the desert just to see this beauty — an abandoned 60-meter-height space rocket."

An abandoned rocket

6."Ireland's abandoned seaside Last of Us hotel."

An abandoned hotel

7."This abandoned pool in upstate New York then (decades ago when it was still in use) and now."

A person holding up a photo of a pool next to the abandoned pool

8."Abandoned mill, Italy."

An abandoned mill in Italy

9."A weirdly clean pool table in an abandoned hotel."

An abandoned hotel

10."Abandoned untouched mansion."

Abandoned pool room in a mansion

11."Abandoned villa with sea view."

An abandoned resort

12."The Pit, an abandoned power plant in New Orleans."

The Pit

13."Abandoned SpongeBob ride, New Orleans Jazzland."

Abandoned theme park

14."Abandoned restaurant in West Texas."

An abandoned restaurant
An abandoned restaurant
u/MobileMittens / Via reddit.com

15."Me and my friend found this place in Louisville."

A person standing in an abandoned Walmart

16.“'Sweden’s funniest amusement park,' closed in 2012."

An abandoned amusement park

17."Abandoned amusement park of Chernobyl."

An inoperable Ferris wheel

How do you feel about these abandoned places? Do they make you wanna visit, or would you rather not see them ever again? Tell me in the comments.