Lovable Kitty Helps Dad Pick Out the Christmas Tree in Santa Monica

With the holidays just around the corner, it sure seems like time flew by this year. I swear it was March five minutes ago! Even though 2023 is going by in a flash, though, it makes me smile to know that I have lots of memories to remember the year by.

And so many of those memories are with my dogs! I love involving my boys in family trips and fun outings, and I love to see videos from other pet owners who are the same way. Just like Max the orange kitty's doting parents!

They brought the curious cat Christmas tree shopping on November 19, and it's safe to say it's an experience Max will never forget. He met new friends, spent time with Mom and Dad, and picked out the purr-fect Christmas tree.

OMG--this is everything! @Madmaxthekitten looked like he had a great time on his festive outing, and his followers sure enjoyed it, too. And just look at the smile on his dad's face!

Related: Cat Caught on Home Camera Festively 'Un-decorating' the Christmas Tree

It's a given that the strangers Max met enjoyed seeing the orange kitty, too. Just look how many people stopped to pet him! That's bound to happen when walking a cat in a busy place, especially since most people don't see cats walking on a leash every day. I've seen it once myself, and I'm still not over it!

Many folks are surprised to learn that cats can be trained to walk on a leash--but the process isn't much different from teaching a dog to walk on leash. It starts with basic obedience training and positive reinforcement with cat treats, and you can take the skills as far as you like!

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