This Lounge Chair Is an Absolute Must for Beach-Bound Book Lovers

Your trip to the beach is all planned—now you’ve just got to pack up your stuff. Sunscreen? Check. Sunglasses? Absolutely. Page-turning thriller that you read about on PureWow? You bet.

But you know what could make this whole experience more enjoyable (and a little silly)? A beach chair that has a built-in hole for your face to allow you to read said page-turner while lying on your stomach.

Luckily, you can buy just that chair on Amazon right now. Made by a brand called Ostrich, the chair, which comes in five color options, can be set to three different positions, and has a pillow that covers the face hole when you’re not using it to read.

Here’s how Ostrich describes it: “Lightweight and portable, take your personal tanning bed/massage table/reading chair with you and succumb to the complete comfort experience.” Sounds pretty grand. (Just no one take our picture, OK?)

According to one satisfied buyer: “The opening for your face is perfect, and the padded area for supporting your head makes being on your stomach very comfortable.... It is so nice to be able to lay facedown and read my Kindle Fire while catching some sun.”

Now all that’s left to do is decide what to read through your new chair.

Buy it ($41)

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