Looks like the new TikTok font isn't going down well with users

 TikTok font
TikTok font

When your app is used by over 30M people daily, not even the tiniest design changes will go unnoticed. TikTok has just introduced a new app-wide typeface, called TikTok Sans – but if the response on Twitter is anything to go by, it isn't going down a treat.

The new bespoke typeface, created with type foundry Grilli Type, features simplified characters with bigger openings and clearer strokes, is designed to optimise legibility across the platform. But, surprise, surprise, it seems users are proving resistant to change. (Looking for typographical inspiration? Check out the best free fonts.)


Introducing TikTok Sans 🎉 Let your creativity and authentic moments shine with our new bespoke typeface ✨

♬ original sound - TikTok Newsroom

TikTok says the new typeface is "designed to reflect our diverse community of creators, visionaries, and storytellers, TikTok Sans complements the personality of our platform - from our roots in entertainment to inclusivity and self-expression."

Compared with the previous Proxima Nova typeface (see the TikTok logo history), TikTok Sans is said to improve readability, thanks to an overall height line increase, and improved letter spacing devised using a "special formula".

TikTok font
TikTok font

But as you might expect, TikTok users aren't loving the new look (for now, at least). A cursory search on Twitter for 'TikTok font' brings up a whole bunch of complains, most of which seem to include the word 'ugly'.

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Of course, any design change within such a well-used app is bound to cause some controversy – and hey, at least TikTok didn't change the app icon (remember Amazon's disastrous icon debacle?). We have a feeling that once TikTok users get used to the new look, they'll forget all about it. And, you know, enjoy the increased legibility and accessibility that the new typeface brings.