Looking for a Powerful Name from Greek Mythology? Here Are 176 Greek God and Goddess Names

Even if you haven't thought about ancient Greek mythology since you first learned about it in grade school, no one can deny how equally powerful and beautiful the names of Greek gods and goddesses are. Whether you're seeking inspiration for naming your child, pet, book character or a new car—you may find yourself enchanted by Greek god names to get the job done.

Looking for a name that embodies wisdom? Athena's got your back. How about strength and might? Zeus will do. From Aphrodite who could make even the coldest hearts swoon to Hades, the bad boy of the underworld – there is a vast array of Greek god names to suit many different personalities. Plus, it will satiate your mystical intrigue.

If it's not all Greek to you, we've also included god and goddess names from other cultures and mythology. There are both heroes and villains alike on this list, so make sure to read what these gods and goddesses were truly about.

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176 Greek God Names

1. Zeus

King of the gods and the god of the sky, lightning and thunder.

2. Apollo

God of music, poetry, prophecy, art, truth, archery, healing, sun and light.

3. Heracles

God of strength and heroes.

4. Poseidon

God of the sea, earthquakes and horses.

5. Hermes

God of messengers, travelers and boundaries

6. Ares

God of war and violence.

7. Hephaestus

God of fire, blacksmith and craftsmen.

8. Hades

God of the underworld.

9. Chronos

The personification of time.

10. Dionysus

God of wine, celebration and ecstasy.

11. Eros

God of love and desire.

12. Helios

The personification of the sun.

13. Paean

Physician of the Olympian gods.

14. Thanatos

The personification of death.

15. Triton

A demigod of the sea, often depicted as a merman.

16. Chaos

The primeval void from which the universe and everything in it originated.

17. Notus

God of the south wind.

18. Pan

God of shepherds, wilderness and rustic music.

19. Erebus

The personification of darkness.

20. Oceanus

Titan god of the Oceanos river.

21. Momus

God of satire, mockery and criticism.

22. Prometheus

Titan god of fire.

23. Boreas

God of the north wind and winter.

24. Morpheus

God of dreams.

25. Hesperus

The personification of the evening star (Venus).

26. Pontus

The primordial god of the sea.

27. Hypnos

The personification of sleep.

28. Nereus

The old man of the sea.

29. Plutus

God of wealth and abundance.

30. Aeolus

God and ruler of the winds.

31. Asclepius

God of healing and medicine.

32. Ourea

The primordial mountain gods.

33. Tartarus

The deepest region of the underworld in Greek mythology; a place of punishment.

34. Uranus

The primordial god of the sky and the father of the Titans.

35. Aether

The personification of the atmosphere.

36. Cronus

God of the harvest.

37. Hyperion

Titan god of heavenly light.

38. Iapetus

Titan god of morality.

39. Coeus

Titan god of the inquisitive mind.

40. Alastor

God of retribution and blood feuds.

41. Dinlas

God of chaos and hatred.

42. Aion

God of perpetual time.

43. Priapus

God of animal and vegetable fertility.

44. Kratos

The personification of strength.

45. Crius

Titan god of the constellations.

46. Deimos

God of fear, panic and terror.

47. Aristaeus

God of useful arts.

48. Agathodaemon

The spirit of the fields and vineyards.

49. Pallas

Titan god of battle and warcraft.

50. Zelus

The personification of rivalry, emulation, jealousy and envy.

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Greek Goddess Names

51. Athena

Goddess of war.

52. Hera

Goddess of marriage.

53. Artemis

Goddess of hunting and wild animals.

54. Aphrodite

Goddess of love and beauty.

55. Hestia

Goddess of home and hearth.

56. Iris

Goddess of the rainbow; the messenger of the Olympian gods.

57. Demeter

Goddess of agriculture and harvest.

58. Hebe

Goddess of eternal youth.

59. Hecate

Goddess of magic and witchcraft.

60. Electryone

Early goddess of the sun.

61. Nike

Goddess of victory.

62. Gaia

Goddess of Earth; mother of all life.

63. Enyo

Goddess of war and destruction.

64. Cybele

Goddess of female fertility and motherhood; Great Mother of the Gods.

65. Pheme

Goddess of fame, gossip and renown.

66. Tyche

Goddess of luck, fortune and chance.

67. Althea

Goddess of healing and compassion.

68. Eris

Goddess of strife and discord.

69. Achlys

Goddess of misery and sadness.

70. Ananke

Goddess of necessity, compulsion and inevitability.

71. Hemera

Primordial goddess of day.

72. Nemesis

Goddess of revenge and retribution.

73. Nesoi

Goddesses of islands.

74. Nyx

Primordial goddess of the night.

75. Thalassa

Primordial goddess of the sea.

76. Elpis

Personified spirit of hope.

77. Tethys

Titan goddess of fresh water.

78. Theia

Titan goddess of sight and vision.

79. Phoebe

Titan goddess of intellect and prophecy.

80. Themis

Titan goddess of justice.

81. Mnemosyne

Titan goddess of memory.

82. Calliope

Muse of epic poetry.

83. Doris

Sea nymph; mother of the Nereids.

84. Asteria

Titan goddess of shooting stars.

85. Eileithyia

Goddess of childbirth.

86. Delia

An epithet of the Greek moon goddess, Artemis.

87. Selene

Titan goddess of the moon.

88. Clio

Muse of history.

89. Echo

A mountain nymph.

90. Ceto

Primordial goddess of the dangers of the sea.

91. Electra

Goddess of the storm clouds; an Okeanid-nymph.

92. Achelois

A oon goddess; "she who washes away the pain".

93. Aura

Titan goddess of the breeze.

94. Eos

Goddess of the dawn.

95. Metis

Goddess of good counsel and planning.

96. Harmonia

Goddess of harmony and concord.

97. Brizo

An ocean goddess; protector of fishermen, mariners and sailors.

98. Atropos

One of the three fates; goddesses of fate and destiny.

99. Thalia

Goddess of festivity and banquets.

100. Circe

Goddess of magic.

God Names from Other Cultures and Mythology

101. Vishnu

Hindu god of preservation; protector of the universe.

102. Bacchus

Roman god of wine and pleasure.

103. Dagda

Celtic god of life and death.

104. Raijin

Japanese god of thunder and lightning.

105. Shiva

Hindu god of destruction.

106. Cupid

Roman god of love.

107. Sobek

Egyptian god of the crocodiles.

108. Apu

Inca god of the mountains.

109. Inti

Inca god of the sun.

110. Lugh

Celtic god of sun and light.

111. Mihr

Armenian god of sun and light.

112. Ahti

Finnish god of waters, seas, lakes and rivers.

113. Indra

Hindu god of rain.

114. Osiris

Egyptian god of resurrection, death and the afterlife.

115. Ra

Egyptian god of the sun.

116. Refafu

Indonesian god of the rainforest.

117. Cernunnos

Celtic god of animals, fertility and wild places.

118. Neptune

The Roman god of the sea.

119. Somnus

Roman god of sleep.

120. Batara Sambu

Indonesian god of teachers.

121. Hachiman

Japanese god of war; the divine protector of Japan.

122. Faunus

Roman god of the forests, plains and fields.

123. Jumala

Finnish god of the sky.

124. Mitra

Hindu god of friendship, harmony and integrity.

125. Savitr

Hindu god of the sunrays.

126. Barsamin

Armenian god of sky and weather.

127. Gaol

Iroquois god of wind.

128. Aengus

Celtic god of youth, love and poetic inspiration.

129. Khonsu

Egyptian god of the moon.

130. Nemty

Egyptian god of the falcons.

131. Vanemuine

Estonian god of music, art and literature.

132. Vulcan

Roman god of fire.

133. Pusan

Hindu god of journeys and roads.

134. Sango

Yoruba god of lightning and thunder.

135. Heka

Egyptian god of magic and medicine.

136. Tursas

Tavastian god of war.

137. Jüri

Estonian god of agriculture.

138. Pluto

Roman god of the underworld.

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Goddess Names from Other Cultures and Mythology

139. Oya

Yoruba goddess of fertility, death and rebirth.

140. Parvati

Hindu goddess of fertility, love and devotion.

141. Victoria

Roman goddess of victory.

142. Flora

Roman goddess of flowers.

143. Brigid

Celtic goddess of healing and agriculture.

144. Juventas

Roman goddess of youth.

145. Hel

Norse goddess of death.

146. Febris

Roman goddess of fevers.

147. Eachna

Celtic goddess of childbirth.

148. Evaki

Bakairi goddess of night, sleep, dreams and day.

149. Dalia

Lithuanian goddess of destiny.

150. Aurora

Roman goddess of dawn.

151. Kianda

Angolan goddess of the sea.

152. Ala

Igbo goddess of earth, fertility and morality.

153. Deeta

Finnish goddess of the underworld.

154. Concordia

Roman goddess of marriage and society.

155. Freya

Norse goddess of fertility and love.

156. Juno

Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth.

157. Izanami

Japanese goddess of creation.

158. Yemaya

Yoruba goddess of the ocean.

159. Vesta

Roman goddess of the hearth, home and family.

160. Minerva

Roman goddess of wisdom.

161. Nuha

Arabic goddess of the sun.

162. Lakshmi

Hindu goddess of fortune and prosperity.

163. Coventina

Roman goddess of wells and springs.

164. Druantia

Celtic goddess of fertility for plants and humans.

165. Cyhirae

Celtic goddess of streams.

166. Saraswati

Hindu goddess of education, creativity and music.

167. Sedna

Inuit goddess of the sea.

168. Anjea

Australian aboriginal goddess of fertility or spirit.

169. Epona

Celtic goddess of horses.

170. Morrigan

Celtic goddess of war.

171. Kali

Hindu goddess of destruction.

172. Nane

Armenian goddess of war and wisdom.

173. Astghik

Armenian goddess of love, beauty and water.

174. Anahit

Armenian goddess of fertility.

175. Sabrina

Celtic goddess of the rivers.

176. Benzaiten

Japanese goddess of eloquence.

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