Looking Back At 12 Years Of The Famous Squamish Trail "Full Nelson"

Full Nelson is an iconic trail in mountain biking's promised land of Squamish, British Columbia. It's so well known that Sea to Sky locals are more than likely going to ignore this article just because they're tired of hearing about the trail.

But, for the rest of us, the mystique of this trail lives rent-free in our minds. How did this iconic line come to be? Well, Anthill Films and Brandon Semenuk have an answer for you.

Take a look at Full Nelson before it is what is today in this classic clip.

The story behind the trail goes that Brandon teamed up with a legendary local digger, Big Red Ted, to create this masterpiece in his hometown of Squamish for the Strength In Numbers movie. After they finished the shoot the trail was tamed down considerably and adopted into the Diamondhead zone.

For riders of my generation - I'm not that old, but I feel like I am dating myself here- this film and specifically this segment were on repeat for the better part of the early 2010s.

Those days were the beginning of the big park line-esque jump trail craze and nothing captured that better than this segment. And though Squamish is much better known for its massive slabs and loamers as far as the eye can see, this part inspired a generation of park ratty kids to want to make the trip up north for something other than the Whistler Bike Park for once.

Enjoy this little walk down memory lane, I sure am.

Related: 5 Minute Break: Anthill Films - Strength In Numbers - Utah Teaser

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