Look: Snowboarder Blows Minds With Chaotic Flip Off Rail

We highly suggest everyone trying this next winter. We just want to see all the attempts. Just kidding, we don't want to lose anyone of our readers to breaking themselves off. Zenja Potapov has been dropping these tricks the past two seasons every few weeks and they are always impressive.

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Zenja is claiming he invented this one and is dubbing it the “SNAPPYCROLL.”

"I don’t even know how I would describe how I came up with this trick ( most likely from all the different rail tricks, bonks and flips combined together) but one thing that has been bugling me is what would be the name for that. At the beginning I felt that snappy would fit perfectly since it almost looks like you would snap the board. And now I got the idea of that the trick is basically a cork with the snappy. Think about it took me year to combine this to words “snappy” and “cork” to a combination that finally make sense. Snap a cork = SNAPPYCROLL." - Zenja

The Finnish boarder has the stamp of approval from the legendary Eero Ettala and that is good for us!

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