Look: Skier's Silky Skills Will Put You In A Trance

Markus Eder, freestyler, freerider, and all-around skiing extraordinaire, is back with another hammer.

Watch as Eder makes the most of summer conditions with an epic line involving flips and pond skims.

What a line! Red Bull's caption echoes my thoughts exactly: "We're sure we've had this dream before??"

I can relate. Sometimes, I'm skiing along, leaping off massive cliffs, and effortlessly lacing up cork 720s, not unlike Markus Eder, and then the curtains close, and I wake up. And, when I return to the slopes after these dreams, I find, sadly, that my nocturnal talents have transferred to reality, leaving me to deal with the fact that I, indeed, can't ski like Markus Eder.

Although most people can't ski like Markus Eder. He is, in some ways, the Candide Thovex of his generation.

See, Markus seems to excel in whatever facet of skiing he chooses to participate in. In 2014, he competed as a slopestyle skier in the Winter Olympics, clinching 15th overall. From there, he leaped across disciplines, qualifying for the big mountain-centric Freeride World Tour (he technically started on the FWT in 2013 but didn't come into his own later on).

Although he languished for a few years as a middle-of-the-pack skier on the FWT, he started frequently nabbing podium slots in 2018.

By the following 2019 season, Markus was indomitable, taking home several first places and the overall title as World Tour Champion. After this performance, Markus stepped away from competitive big-mountain skiing, aside from a 2020 one-off wildcard appearance.

But Markus Eder's hiatus from competing wasn't the end of his skiing career. Hardly. In 2021, he dropped "The Ultimate Run," which gave Candide Thovex's incredible "One Of Those Days" series a run for its money.

I'm going to wrap this article up with that video. It's one for the books and has accumulated 13 million views since it was uploaded.

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