Look: Olympic Snowboarder Announces Upcoming Child

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The internet is a weird place. About ten years ago, we found Stale Sandbech fan fiction online written by people talking about going on fictional dates with him, and now he is announcing that he is having a very real child with his very real partner, Mariann Hæstad. Congrats to the happy couple!

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That is three pretty talented snowboarders having babies in the past few months. Olympian Jamie Anderson was followed by Danny Davis having a child, and now Stale will join the parental crew with a kid of his own.

For those that don't know Ståle, Sandbech is a professional snowboarder from Norway. He was born on June 3, 1993, (29-years-old for a few more days) in Rykkinn, a suburb of Oslo. Sandbech is renowned for his incredible skills in slopestyle and big air disciplines competing in the Sochi, Pyeongchang, and Beijing Winter Games in both. He is one of the more successful riders on Youtube, claiming a very popular channel that dwarves most other riders' attempts on the platform. What is next for the soon to be father? We will have to wait and see, but we are sure it will be nothing short of the long list of accomplishments he already has under his belt.

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