Look: The Most Immersive Snowboarding Video Game yet?

Your local resort is closed and you can't make it up to Mt. Hood? Well, according to this twitter user this game offers the most "immersive snowboarding ever." And while we would always argue to get outside, sometimes you can't. So maybe give this game a try? It looks pretty solid in the video posted by @subsoular.

Riders Republic is an extreme sports video game developed by Ubisoft, released in October 2021 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Microsoft Windows. We still have a Dreamcast so pardon our lack of knowledge about the game.

According to the site, the game offers an open-world environment that allows players to participate in a variety of extreme sports and features a large map based on real-world locations in the United States, including national parks like Bryce Canyon, Yosemite Valley, and Mammoth Mountain.

Players can engage in various sports including snowboarding, wingsuit flying, biking, and more. They can compete in races, perform tricks, and participate in various events across different terrains. The game emphasizes multiplayer features, enabling up to 50 players to compete against each other simultaneously in a shared world.

Riders Republic offers a dynamic day and night cycle, weather conditions, and a wide range of challenges and missions. Players can customize their characters' appearance and gear, unlocking new items and equipment as they progress through the game.

One of the notable features of Riders Republic is the Mass Races, where dozens of players compete in large-scale races against each other. These races can be chaotic and intense, with players battling it out to reach the finish line first.

So if you are injured, stuck on a beach, or just bored... check it out this summer!

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