Look Up! You Might Be Able to See a Green Comet Tonight

Photo credit: Jim Miller - Getty Images
Photo credit: Jim Miller - Getty Images

From House Beautiful

While there's a sure-to-be-stunning Perseid meteor shower coming up later in the week, another spectacle is trying to steal the show tonight. Remnants of the comet PanSTARRS C/2017 S3 are going to pass by Earth on August 7, coming within 70 million miles of our planet. This likely marks the first time the comet has ever come into the inner solar system.

This comet is famous for its green color and large size, leading some people to give it the nickname "Incredible Hulk." The comet's green glow is due to cyanide and carbon molecules becoming ionized by the warmth of the sun.

The comet was discovered in September 2017. It broke up in late July as it approached the sun. And as Sky and Telescope reports, the comet has already had two eruptions ― one on June 30, and the other about two weeks later on July 16.

Viewing the Incredible Hulk with the naked eye may be a little tricky. Because the comet got so close to the sun and broke up from solar heat, it's rapidly fading from view. Also, thunderstorms and clouds in various parts of the country may impede vision of the comet.

However, experts don't rule out another eruption in the coming days, which could make the comet brighter in the night sky. Additionally, Paul Chodas, the manager for the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told Live Science the comet may be visible later in August ― around August 15 or 16 ― after it rounds the sun and comes around again.

If you do want to try to view the comet, Tuesday night is your best best, but Wednesday night will work, too. Just don't get it angry, because you won't like it when it's angry.

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