Look: Family Home Collapses Into River

Last weekend glacial flooding led to the destruction of property in Juneau, Alaska.

Resident Sam Nolan filmed one home as it collapsed and fell into the Mendenhall River, which passes through Juneau.

The story of the flood began on August 4th when the National Weather Service issued a flood warning for Mendenhall Lake and Mendenhall River after Su*cide Basin, a basin connected to the Mendenhall Glacier, began releasing water.

The release of Suicide Basin led to a phenomenon called glacial flooding, wherein glacial waters pour into surrounding rivers and lakes.

During this past weekend's glacial flood period, water released from Su*cide Basin coursed through Mendenhall River, damaging or destroying property throughout Juneau, including the home shown in the linked video.

This month's glacial flood in Juneau isn't the first, although it is the largest. On Saturday night, Mendenhall Lake's water levels reached their highest point in recorded history.

Flooding in the area connected with the Mendenhall Glacier began in 2011, a natural now-annual occurrence now monitored by researchers.

Those who've studied the link between glacial structures and flooding in the area aren't yet sure if climate change is to blame for the glacial outbursts.

In a conversation with The Washington Post, Juneau Deputy City Manager Robert Barr said that dozens of homes were flooded.

Despite ongoing closures in the area, the National Weather Service states that "flooding is no longer expected to pose a threat."

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