Look: Who Is The Best Celebrity Snowboarder?

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The Olympic snowboarder that represented Malta, Jenise Spiteri, recently uploaded a video to her Youtube page rating different internet celebrities and their wide-ranging abilities on a snowboard. Jenise took clips from Justin Beiber, Kendall Jenner, Shaun White's parter and actor Nina Dobrev, Youtuber Jake Paul, and some people we have never heard of to compare them all together.

Justin Beiber looks to be arguably the best, with Kendall Jenner looking pretty confident riding as well, but those two have been in the news plenty riding around Aspen and other resorts out West. We didn't really watch the rest or honestly care about any of it, but you all might, so we posted about it on the page. The video actually doesn't have that many views either, so maybe nobody cares about Jake Paul snowboarding! Thank goodness. Go watch actual pros snowboard if you would like to be entertained and we will leave the singing, dancing, and acting to these pros (besides the Youtubers, the don't seem very talented at anything besides marketing and amateur fighting).

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