How long is a fire extinguisher good for? This is how to know if yours has expired

Knowing if your fire extinguisher is expired is crucial for ensuring it will function properly in an emergency.

According to Safelincs, here are the steps to determine if your fire extinguisher is expired or needs servicing.

Check the expiration date

Look for a manufacturer’s label or a stamp on the body of the extinguisher that indicates the date of manufacture or an expiration date. Fire extinguishers typically have a lifespan of 5 to 15 years, depending on the type and manufacturer.

Inspect the pressure gauge

Most fire extinguishers have a pressure gauge with a needle. Ensure the needle is within the green zone, which indicates that the extinguisher is properly pressurized. If the needle is in the red zone (either too low or too high), the extinguisher may not function correctly.

Check the inspection tag

Look for an inspection tag that indicates the last time the extinguisher was serviced or inspected. Regular inspections are recommended, usually once a year, to ensure the extinguisher is in working order.

Physical inspection

Examine the extinguisher for any physical damage such as dents, rust, leaks, or a clogged nozzle. Any of these issues can compromise its effectiveness. If you’re unsure about the condition of your fire extinguisher, have it inspected by a certified professional. They can perform a thorough check and recharge or replace the extinguisher if necessary.

Verify the tamper seal

Ensure the tamper seal is intact. This seal indicates that the extinguisher has not been used or tampered with. If the seal is broken or missing, the extinguisher should be inspected by a professional.

If the extinguisher is past its expiration date, has been discharged, or shows signs of damage or low pressure, it’s time to replace it.

Maintaining your fire extinguisher in good working condition is essential for safety. Regular checks and timely replacements ensure you’re prepared in case of a fire emergency.

How to dispose of a fire extinguisher

Ensure the extinguisher is completely empty by discharging it in a safe, open area. Wear safety goggles and gloves and then squeeze the handle until all the pressure is released. Remember to unscrew the head of the extinguisher to indicate it’s no longer pressurized.

Once you've followed these steps, contact your local fire department, recycling center, or hazardous waste disposal facility to find the appropriate disposal site.

This article originally appeared on Fire extinguishers are only good for so long. Here's when they expire