A lonely widower received hundreds of invites to Christmas dinner after leaving a note in a supermarket, and we’re sobbing

A lonely widower received hundreds of invites to Christmas dinner after leaving a note in a supermarket, and we’re sobbing
A lonely widower received hundreds of invites to Christmas dinner after leaving a note in a supermarket, and we’re sobbing

Since the holidays are all about celebrating family and friends and being with the ones you love, it can be an extremely difficult time for people who don’t have people to go home to.

An anonymous elderly widower in Berlin was one of those people when he posted a note at the local supermarket.

“Where can a lonely pensioner and widower find a place in a small group for Christmas,” the note read, according to Stuttgarter Nachrichten, as translated by The Local.

***bitte teilen***Als ich das gelesen hab, hat es mir sofort das Herz gebrochen.Damit mit den Daten kein Blödsinn...

Posted by Femina Lisa on Friday, November 17, 2017

Related article: People who decorate for Christmas earlier are happier, according to a psychologist

A woman who found the note at the market, Lisa, was so moved that she posted it on her Facebook page. Lisa told the publication she posted the note on Facebook because she was afraid no one would notice it. Pretty soon, the note was shared more than 6,700 times.

“I never thought there would be so many [responses],” Lisa told Stuttgarter Nachrichten. “After a certain point, I couldn’t keep up with it.”

But she did manage to sift through the invites for the man so he wasn’t overwhelmed.

Lisa said he was “very touched,” and “very pleased that so many people have responded,” but that he hadn’t made a decision yet since Christmas is still a month away. Here’s hoping he won’t be lonely this year.