What loneliness does to your body and brain

A busy urban intersection with people of all walks of life.
A busy intersection full of all kinds of people.Arantza Peño Popo/BI

What loneliness does to your body and brain

Hilary Brueck and Annie Fu

December 27, 2023

Human connection is a basic, biological necessity for us.

“We survived because we are a social species,” Stephanie Cacioppo, a neuroscientist and leading expert on loneliness, told Business Insider.

We need meaningful connections with other people like we need food, water, and oxygen.

Biologically, loneliness is much like hunger or thirst. It’s a useful stress response that helps us survive by putting the body on high alert. But it is also a complicated biological process that can create a chain reaction of serious health issues if it’s not adequately addressed.

When we start to feel lonely, several different alarm bells go off in our brains.

An illustrated person's head looking sad
An illustrated person's head looking sad

We shift into survival mode.

Loneliness activates the sympathetic nervous system, our body’s response to danger and stress.

Loneliness turns up the dial on parts of the brain that are involved in hypervigilance to threats

…at the same time as other areas of the brain that are intricately tied to love — which help us feel connected, empathetic, and understood —  are turning off.

Researchers call this the paradox of loneliness. A lonely person’s brain perceives other people as less trustworthy and more threatening, which only propels their isolation and anxiety.

The ways a lonely brain changes are dynamic

We can start to better understand the chaos by zeroing in on a few brain chemicals that shift when we’re lonely. Levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which typically fluctuate in predictable ways throughout the course of a day, are thrown into disarray.

There’s an increase in dopamine production, which is tied to more self-soothing behaviors including drinking and gambling…

…while there's a decrease in oxytocin (our bonding/sex hormone), serotonin (tied to happiness and optimism) and natural opioid levels, which help guard against loneliness and contribute to warm, fuzzy feelings of social connection with others.

Lonely people may not even notice all of the interconnected changes they’re experiencing as a result of their newfound vulnerability and hypervigilance to social threats.

Over time, chronic loneliness can damage our:

Sleep schedule: Studies have consistently shown that we get lower-quality, more interrupted sleep when we are lonely, with more subtle micro awakenings through the night. On a subconscious level, this is our lonely body trying to protect us from external threats. But this state of hypervigilance also means we can’t fully relax and really rest.

Immune system: Studies show we are at greater risk of getting sick when we are lonely. The lonely body primes itself to combat external threats like infections, which leads to an inflammation response. Some studies even show loneliness is tied to poorer responses to flu shots.

These immune system changes can, in time, lead to chronic diseases. “We have lots of research now showing that higher levels of inflammation in the body set the stage for the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes,” said Keely Muscatell, a neuroscientist who studies how social experiences impact our physical health at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Heart: According to a recent report from the US surgeon general, “poor social relationships, social isolation, and loneliness can increase your risk of heart disease by 29% and risk of stroke by 32%.”

Memory: If loneliness goes on long enough, it can have a negative impact on the brain’s hippocampus and amygdala, which can contribute to forgetfulness and even cognitive decline and dementia.

Over time, a lack of adequate social connections can increase a person’s risk of death as much as smoking — the No. 1 preventable cause of death nationwide.

How can we offset the effects of loneliness?

Combating loneliness involves improving the quality of our connections to others, fostering a sense that we are understood and loved by our tribe.

Our thirst for human connection can’t simply be quenched by filling our social “cup” up with a bunch of other people. You can be lonely in a crowd or perfectly content spending some time solo.

“From a scientific viewpoint, loneliness is a discrepancy between what you want in a social relationship and what you have,” Cacioppo, the author of “Wired for Love,” explained.

Some people may feel socially satisfied with just one friend in the world. Others may need a different web of social support around them. Everyone’s loneliness remedy will look a little different. And experts say the way we structure our society can have a big impact on loneliness.

Tristen Inagaki, a neuroscientist and an assistant professor who studies how bonding affects the brain at San Diego State University, told Business Insider that she’s gotten “more expressive” toward people around her as a result of her research on loneliness.

“I just make the effort to contact my family at least every week,” she said. “That's been surprisingly nice for all of us.”

An illustrated person's head looking sad
An illustrated person's head looking sad
An illustrated person's head looking sad
An illustrated person's head looking sad
An illustrated person's head looking sad
An illustrated person's head looking sad

The US surgeon general, Vivek Murthy, told Business Insider he tries to always pick up the phone when friends call, even if it's just to say he’s tied up and ask to call them back later.

“That actually makes a big difference compared to silencing the call and texting them,” he said. “You're hearing the sound of their voice, they're hearing your voice, and that connection is stronger, even if it's brief.”

Dr. Tiffani Bell Washington, a psychiatrist and obesity medicine physician, likes to remind her patients that a simple walk outside in nature can do wonders for the cycle of lonely rumination and help people feel “a greater connection to whatever they believe in” and more spiritually tied to their place in the world.

Dr. Jeremy Nobel, who founded the Foundation for Art and Healing, recommends doing something creative with other people such as making art, which is an evidence-based anti-loneliness practice that can help rewire how our brains make sense of the world. Artmaking, whether it’s sharing a story, painting, dancing, or something else, encourages us to really see others and feel seen, fostering more connection.

Even an initially awkward conversation with a stranger on the bus or in line at the grocery store can help. In fact, studies have consistently shown that humans are pretty bad at predicting how good striking up a conversation with a fellow commuter can feel.

“We need societies that have room for everyone,” Louise Hawkley, who studies loneliness and aging at the University of Chicago’s NORC, said. “We need to have societies that create opportunities for everyone to learn, to be with each other, to trust each other, to talk to each other. And I think that's all related to loneliness.”

A busy urban intersection with people of all walks of life.
A busy intersection full of all kinds of people.Arantza Peño Popo/BI

Special thanks to:

Dr. Tiffani Bell Washington, Stephanie Cacioppo, Dr. Frank Clark, Louise Hawkley, Bill Howatt, Tristen Inagaki, US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, Keeley Muscatell, Dr. Jeremy Nobel, Dr. Tina Shah


Reporting: Hilary Brueck

Editing: Mia de Graaf

Copy editing: Jonann Brady

Design and development: Annie Fu, Arantza Peña Popo

Read the original article on Business Insider