Lol: Has This Ever Happened To You?

We saw this clip and lol'ed - actually - laughed out loud. Mostly we laughed because we have been there. It slips out of your hands and boom, the board is gone. Maybe it goes all the way down the hill. We hope we can brighten up your Wednesday with this humorous, relatable video clip of a moment we have likely all experienced! And if you have not yet, I am sure you will soon. The painful part of this was.... so close.

Being clumsy is a daily struggle, a dance of missteps and mishaps. Tripping over untied shoelaces, knocking over cups, and dropping things seem like inevitable occurrences. Coordination becomes an elusive skill, and grace feels like a distant dream. Every step is cautious, every movement calculated, yet still, objects slip through fingers and obstacles appear out of nowhere. Yet, in this world of clumsiness, laughter and resilience prevail, embracing the charm of imperfection.

We are always on the lookout for amusing, interesting, and engaging snow-related videos to feature on our channels. Whether you are a professional rider or just an amateur, we want to see your best footage and help you share it with the world. Submit your video for a chance to be featured on SNOWBOARDER and our social channels. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch high-quality snowboarding videos.

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