Logan Paul Commented on Cardi B's Instagram and People Aren't Happy

Just days after Logan Paul returned to vlogging and the YouTube star is in hot water again. This time, it's because of a comment he left on Cardi B's Instagram.

On Wednesday, January 31, Cardi B shared a photo of herself from the Grammys 2018 red carpet on her Instagram and captioned the image with "They trinna crucify me like they did Christ." While many of her fans responded with kind words and encouragement, Logan responded with a comment seemingly making light of his recent controversy writing, "Lawlz u tellin me."

It looks like Logan's comment is in reference to the backlash he received after posting a video to his YouTube that depicted the body of someone who had apparently died by suicide. He has since apologized for the video, and returned to vlogging after a three-week break with a video on suicide awareness.

People on the internet have since responded to Logan's Instagram comment, and many are not happy with him jumping in on Cardi B's post. Users have questioned his remorse, writing "this shows you have no regret whatsoever" and instructed him not to "play the victim." Some have even asked Logan to delete his comment, but the remark was still up as of the morning of February 1.

If you or someone you know may be at risk for suicide, you can call the Trevor Project's 24/7 Trevor Lifeline at 866-488-7386 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

Related: Logan Paul Says "Everyone Deserves Second Chances"

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