A new lockdown is spoiling the party in Amsterdam

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Amsterdammers are reeling at tough Dutch coronavirus measures announced on Friday, as the line in the graph of new cases rises almost vertically. Reported infections have spiked to more than 16,000 a day, way higher than at any point since the pandemic began, despite 82 per cent of people over 12 being fully vaccinated.

The new measures amount to a semi-lockdown, after a carefree – some say too carefree – summer, and are likely to inconvenience visitors to the Netherlands. Locally, the feeling is of both resignation and irritation. “I’m tired of this squeezebox approach: all, nothing; all, nothing,” said one Amsterdammer, who suggested that more control over the summer might have prevented the current situation. Masks came off everywhere except for public transport, and Amsterdammers have long been largely ignoring social distancing rules, even before they were officially dropped in September. The infection rate began to rise steeply at the beginning of October, and an initial wave of restrictions introduced a few weeks ago has had little effect.

Under the new regulations, cafés and restaurants have to close at 8pm, and drinkers in bars have to be seated. Essential shops such as supermarkets must also close at 8pm; other shops at 6pm. Sports events can go ahead, but without spectators, and cultural events (apart from cinemas and theatres) end at 6pm. A QR-code corona pass showing that you’re vaccinated, recovered from Covid, or have tested negative in the past 24 hours, is required for entry to restaurants, cafés, museums and cultural events, and a mask is compulsory in public indoor spaces that do not require a pass. Masks are also required for visits to contact professions, such as hairdressers (though – how very Dutch – not sex workers).

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The regulations are set to remain in force until at least December 4. The Dutch government has announced that if the new measures manage to reverse the trend, they may be relaxed and replaced by broader use of the corona pass, for example as a requirement for entry to most shops.

For visitors to the Netherlands, the early closure of cafés and restaurants will probably cause the most inconvenience, as it also applies to hotel bars and dining. The better news is that take-away and delivery services are exempt from the 8pm shut down, and that many hotels will still offer room service till late (though it is a good idea to check in advance). The seated-only requirement in cafés puts a temporary end to bar parties, but there is good news as regards corona passes: the Dutch system at last recognises British QR codes.

People in the tourism and hospitality industries feel particularly buffeted by the changes. “The new measures are already having a huge impact,” says Tatiana Alekseeva, owner of De Ware Jacob, a boutique hotel near Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw. “As soon as the news broke, people started calling and cancelling their reservations. It’s really frustrating as business was more or less back to normal, and disappointing as all of our staff are fully vaccinated, and we check QR codes or PCR tests of all our guests, yet still have to bear the losses caused by the new measures.”

Café owner John Sade agrees, and feels the strictures are misplaced. “It’s a drama,” he says. “Just as we were getting back on our feet. What’s the point of closing restaurants at eight o’clock, when allowing guests to dine until 10pm would make all the difference [for businesses]? The extra two hours is hardly going to cause a hotbed of infection. I’m really tired of this. It’s so hard to remain positive, especially when all your guests are taking it hard, too.”

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The mood of despondency is widespread, with a recent survey indicating that more than half the country feels that something has broken, and that life will never be the same again. “The government has been so slow to react,” says health worker Patrick. “Fast when it comes to an early lifting of restrictions, but slow in tightening them when less drastic measures would have made a difference, and in rolling out booster vaccinations.”

But all is not lost for the would-be visitor. You may not be able to linger over restaurant meals or carouse till late in cafés, but take-aways and room service help fill the gap. Museums are still open, and pleasant to visit as restrictions on numbers means they are uncrowded. Most hoteliers take their role seriously and run their establishments with a strict eye to safety. And Amsterdam remains a rewarding place to visit in the autumn, as falling leaves thin the clouds of tree cover, giving a clear view of rows of gabled houses and inviting bracing walks along the canals.