You’ll Never Guess Which Genius Beauty Product Will Protect Your Feet from Blisters

Blisters are pretty much the death of me. Okay, perhaps that’s a tad dramatic, but there’s no denying that they’re the death of some seriously on-point foot looks. Picture this: You’ve picked out the perfect graphic tee, you’ve slipped into your favorite distressed mom jeans, and, for the finishing touch, you reach for a pair of heels. The only problem is, they hurt like hell, foreshadowing the monster of a blister that’s forming with every step you take. I think it’s safe to say that many of us have reached the point in our lives where we value comfort over style and replaced our stilettos with sneakers — especially those of us who have to stride across city blocks to get to work. Such a bummer, right? But, what if I told you there’s officially a solution that can get you back in your heels, STAT?

You’re probably assuming the answer is something along the lines of heel pads or Band-Aids. So you’ll be surprised to learn then that, no, it’s not a common quick fix. The secret is a product from a vaginal care brand you’ve probably never associated with your feet. Bear with me, y’all.

Monistat Chafing Relief Gel
Monistat Chafing Relief Gel

Enter Monistat’s latest vaginal care launch, Chafing Relief Powder Gel ($6). Designed to alleviate the uncomfortable rubbing associated with excess moisture and heat (hello, summers in NYC), this gel-to-powder product is marketed for thighs, breasts, underarms and, of course, the bikini area. So why did I try it on my feet? Well, I can’t say that I have some scientific explanation for you. Rather, I fell in love with the texture: It reminds me of a mix between Supergoop!’s Unseen Sunscreen ($32) and Smashbox’s cult-favorite Photo Finish Primer ($36). And as the explorative beauty lover that I am, I figured why not swatch that same silky-soft gel onto my feet just for s**** and giggles.

So there I was, Monistat Chafing Relief Powder Gel in one hand, strappy high-heeled sandals in the other, ready to go on yet another adventure in beauty. As I sat slathering my feet in a product meant for your sweaty bits, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at myself — but I pushed forward with the process anyways. And TG I did. While I had high hopes (hey, I’m a Pisces) of how this little beauty hack might pay off, I never in a million years expected it to be the be-all, end-all solution to my ever-aching arches. Yet lo and behold, that’s exactly what it was. Now, anytime I reach for a pair of heels — or even moderately uncomfortable flats or sandals — you best believe I’m reaching for my Monistat too.

Do you have any awkward beauty questions? Tweet @BritandCo using #askingforafriend!

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