Living Trellis Art Is Taking Over Homes' Walls (and Instagram) This Spring

Gardeners discovered how to decorate the outside of their homes without needing any outdoor space—you just need a trellis.

<p>Ed Gohlich</p>

Ed Gohlich

Spring is the season of starting anew, and that includes starting new DIY outdoor projects. If you've been on the lookout for one to tackle, look no further than Instagram: Gardening creators are sharing how you can elevate the exterior of your home with a trellis, even if you're lacking in outdoor space.

All you need to participate in this trend is a wall and thick steel wire or trellis boards. If you’re worried about your home’s exterior and don’t want to attach any wire directly, you should go with arranging trellis boards in the pattern of your choice. Opt for trellis squares with larger diamonds placed close to the wall of your home if you want more of a modern look, or use separate trellises to create a design against a larger wall. 

Related: 18 Beautiful Trellis Ideas to Turn Your Yard into a Private Escape

Going this route makes it easier to remove the trellises when you want to switch things up and also takes less time to DIY. If you’re working with wooden trellises, you can easily cut and alter the size and design of them to change their look: Create separated trellises to lean against an outdoor wall, a board that goes up halfway, or an accent space near an outdoor patio or porch.

If you decide to use steel wires, you need to figure out the best way to hook them onto your home’s foundation. This differs depending on the material you’re working with, but you'll likely want to install eye hooks so you can loop the wire around them without risking it slipping off.

You’ll first need to measure and plan out your pattern with measuring tape, a pencil or washable marker, and painter’s tape. Test the material you’ll be using in an inconspicuous spot first to make sure you’re not marking up your exterior paint on accident. 

Related: How to Build a Trellis

If you’re trying out the popular diamond board, install a hook into each point of the diamond so that you can cross your wires over in a grid system. The fewer diamonds in the pattern, the easier it is to create the board—reference @mati_espy_home’s project as a guide if you’re worried about your pattern work.

Instagram commenters noted that it’s important to use plants that won’t root into your home’s wall—this is why jasmine is one of the best picks for trellis wall art. If you do end up planting a climbing plant that grows roots into your home’s walls, you can could potentially cause damage to your home and have trouble removing the plant installation later on. 

You’ll notice that most trendy trellis gardeners went with star jasmine or clematis. Not only do these plants save your walls from roots, they’re also fast growers and look gorgeous when fully strung across all trellises. They also get you colorful, scented blooms up to a few times a year depending on your pick. 

Related: The Best Vertical Garden Plants for Climbing Any Trellis or Wall

You can choose the best flowering vine for your trellis by taking a look at your planting zone and the plants native to your area. If you’re interested in maximizing your yearly blooms, choose perennial vines for your trellis.

You’ll need to root your plant of choice in soil right next to the trellis or wire; it will then naturally grow upward and around the trellis you’ve created (you can always wrap it or use plant ties on the vines if you want to direct it more firmly). 

Your trellis should show significant growth within a few months, although most DIYers reported about a year’s worth of time before they saw the vines fully grow over the trellis.

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