Livia Firth and Eco-Age Host a Conversation on Sustainable Fashion, With a Film on Tasmania Wool Farming

Livia Firth and Eco-Age Host a Conversation on Sustainable Fashion, With a Film on Tasmania Wool Farming

Anna Wintour and Livia Firth
Anna Wintour and Livia Firth
Photo: Courtesy of Eco-Age
Colin Firth, Francesco Carrozzini, and Bee Shaffer
Colin Firth, Francesco Carrozzini, and Bee Shaffer
Photo: Courtesy of Eco-Age
Vogue’s Sally Singer
Vogue’s Sally Singer
Photo: Courtesy of Eco-Age’s Edward Barsamian, Christopher Bevans, and Andrew Morgan’s Edward Barsamian, Christopher Bevans, and Andrew Morgan
Photo: Courtesy of Eco-Age
Cameron Saul and Calu Rivero
Cameron Saul and Calu Rivero
Photo: Courtesy of Eco-Age

“In Tasmania, I found growers producing fine wool for the global apparel industry with a deep understanding of the need to work within the earth’s biological capacity,” said eco-philanthropist Livia Firth. Firth, creative director and founder of Eco-Age, has long been a champion of sustainable fashion practices and worked with director Andrew Morgan on The True Cost, the documentary exploring fast fashion. Last night, the duo premiered their latest effort, the first in a series of short films called Fashion-Scapes.

Last night’s screening at the New York Edition Hotel focused on wool farming in Tasmania, with sweeping views of the landscape and perspectives from local farmers or caretakers on a quest to ensure future generations start implementing conscious shearing. At the screening were a cavalcade of fashion heavy hitters including Anna Wintour, joined by daughter Bee Shaffer and Francesco Carrozzini, Vogue’s Sally Singer, Cameron Saul, and Calu Rivero. After the film, Firth, joined by Morgan and Dyne creative director Christopher Bevans, participated in a panel discussion exploring how the fashion industry needs to shift and adapt to an ecologically changing landscape. Bevans, who won the International Woolmark Prize for innovation, discussed his work and the need for the industry to come together to enact change. Afterwards, the conversation expanded with guests entering the discussion until late into the evening.

See the videos.