What is ‘little treat culture’? TikTok trend encourages buying that $8 latte

“Little treat culture” is exactly what it sounds like.

Made popular by Gen Z and millennials, it’s when you feel like you deserve to buy something small — a fun latte during a morning commute or a fancy seltzer during lunch — for getting through hard tasks, running errands or sometimes just because you feel like it.

Tracy Llanera, a philosophy professor at the University of Connecticut, told the New York Times that treat culture could stem from the instability everyone faced during COVID.

“Something about treat culture is that you’re always regularly going to get the treat,” she said. “You can depend on that, at least. There’s a guarantee that this small little ritual that you have every week will at least satiate something in you.”

Dr. Elizabeth Campbell, a licensed psychologist, told Bustle, that there is an element of science backing the benefits of treating yourself, too.

“When we treat ourselves, our brains release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is associated with pleasure,” she explained. It’s beyond a form of self care, it really can make an impact on mental health and mood — even if for only a moment.

What do people buy for treats?

TikTok is full of people fully invested as active participants in treat culture and are even sharing the concept with others.

“I have a thing called drink tax, anytime I go somewhere I have to get something to drink,” explained @izzybelle1123.

“Especially if it’s under $10 for some reason, like it doesn’t count, a lil drink, a knickknack, a funny pair of socks. I love it all,” admitted @starlight.lust.

Natalie B. (@nataliebondehagen) also points out that little treat culture is just a form of self-care and it can be incredibly beneficial.

“Gotta know yourself to treat yourself,” pointed out @alicdom.

While not everyone is a fan of little treat culture — “Capitalism culture yes yes. Must consume to be happy,” commented @sarcasticjoy13 — others see it as a way of valuing yourself enough to know you are worth spending money on, an antidote to past generations who “saved the good china.”

“My mom calls this buying a few dollars of happiness,” noted @pot.roast4prezident.

And some others see it as a simple way to make life just that much better or boost mental health.

“I live for treat culture, it makes life worth living,” observed @katieeehoweee.

There’s also a potential darker side of treat culture, as some young TikTokers jokingly allude to the fact that thanks to inflation, the job market and overpriced houses that no one can actually afford, they’ll never be homeowners with financial stability.

For instance, @thebookshelfb**** shared a recent example of her $8.40 latte on her TikTok account.

“Do I deserve this little treat? Yes. And will I enjoy it? Yes. Will I ever own a home? Probably not. But I’ve got this. You’re worth an $8.40 latte, friends,” she said.

The financial aspect of the trend

Of course, little treat culture — especially if it happens to involve nearly $9 lattes — does come with the slight challenge of affording it.

Even little treats can add up to big bills, which is why some TikTokers are also honest in how they balance a budget while still treating themselves. For instance, Em Rose (@emroseehret) stocks up on store-brand frozen pop treats to take along on her daily walk.

And @emrhys.ma has “no treat” months followed by “low treat” months when they feel they have especially gone overboard on treat spending.

They have even taken to making their own low-cost or free treats to still get the rush of happiness from treating themselves in a budget-friendly way.

And when they can, they budget specific treats into their financial plan, like their favorite “Purple Buns.”

“Peanut, when I tell you that we’ve specially budgeted for the buns. We can have them every other month once you’re back and can’t wait!!” @emrhys.ma said to @eatbadoven, a North Carolina bakery that sells the special Purple buns along with other treats.

“Being more mindful with little treats, I love it,” commented @probablyalesbian.

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