A Liquid Eyeliner That Is Also a Growth Serum? Meet Freck's Game-Changing Lashrocket

Freck Eyeliner Launch
Freck Eyeliner Launch


I've said it before and I'll say it again — in this decade, expect more from your makeup products! The beauty industry has come a long way, and it's more apparent than ever that being a makeup fan shouldn't compromise your skincare goals or the health of your skin. Recently this has meant an increase in double-duty products like SPF-packed tinted serums, lash growth mascaras, and brow gels infused with growth serum, including a new breakthrough from Freck Beauty: an eyeliner that promotes lash growth.

According to my research (a near decade of acquiring beauty knowledge for personal and professional reasons and a half an hour of Googling), Freck's Lashrocket Liner is a first-of-its-kind liquid eyeliner that is infused with a lash growth serum. The eyeliner has been collecting a waitlist ahead of its official launch, but today is the first day you can actually shop it.

There are two aspects to this new, innovative product worth noting. The first is simply how well it works as an eyeliner. Freck sent me a tube of Lashrocket a few weeks ago, so I have been able to experiment with it. On the makeup side, this is what I can say: It has an incredibly deep black color, the tip of the brush is very thin and precise, it would not budge after it dried, even as I rubbed semi-aggressively, and the oil from my hooded lids didn't seem to affect it. Essentially, I cannot find a single thorn on this rose.

Lashrocket Liner
Lashrocket Liner


Shop now: $24; freckbeauty.com and sephora.com

Now onto what makes this eyeliner a trailblazer in the category — the growth serum. The hero ingredients in this regard are two different peptides and red clover extract. You may be familiar with peptides, as they are a common ingredient in hair growth serums and treatments. Peptides are made up of a chain of amino acids and have been clinically proven to aid with hair growth, in part by increasing blood flow to follicles and fighting off environmental factors that can cause hair loss. Red clover extract is a more under-the-radar ingredient, but studies have shown it to be so useful in promoting hair growth that it worked on people with alopecia.

The tl;dr is that this eyeliner is packed with powerhouse, scientifically proven ingredients that should promote measurable lash growth. While I haven't been using Lashrocket long enough to report back with my own findings on growth results Freck did its own testing with convincing results. A trial study done on 27 women found that 78 percent of participants saw fuller, more visible lashes after 56 days of use.

This is an easy and affordable way to enhance both your makeup and lash care routine at the same time. Get a tube of the first-of-its-kind eyeliner for $24 at Freck and Sephora.