Lindsay Lohan Accuses Family of Child Trafficking on Instagram Live

Fans are not happy.

Late on Friday, September 28, Lindsay Lohan took to Instagram Live from Moscow, Russia, where she confronted a family and accused them of child trafficking.

As noted by BuzzFeed News, the actor began her video by telling her followers that she was worried about a family whom she claimed were Syrian refugees. (The family did not confirm or deny this claim in the video.) In the clip, we see Lindsay approach them and offer to get them a hotel.

She then appears to focus on the boy in the family, and requests that he come with her. “Let me take him for the night; let him stay for the night,” Lindsay says to the family. She goes on to repeat her request, emphasizing that the family “shouldn’t be sleeping on the floor.”

From there, Lindsay suggests that the family is engaging in “child trafficking,” still seemingly intent on having the young boy come with her. “I won't leave until I take you,” she says. “Now I know who you are, don't f*ck with me.”

Towards the end of the clip, we can hear Lindsay say: “This is not Arab; you're ruining Arab culture by doing this. You're taking these children; they want to go. I'm with you; the whole world is seeing this right now.” We see the actor fall to the ground near the conclusion of her livestream, possibly after being struck by one of the family members. “I'm, like, in shock right now,” Lindsay says at the end of the video while crying. “They were trafficking. I was just, like, so scared. I literally can’t; I don't think I can ever change what I want.” Although the video will eventually expire from Lindsay’s Instagram Story, it has been captured by fans and shared via social media.

In the wake of Lindsay’s video, many fans have taken to Twitter to criticize the actor for her behavior. Some people are pointing out that she seems to be talking in a fake accent, while others have accused Lindsay of pretending to speak Arabic.

Others have expressed shock and surprise over the entire bizarre nature of the video, calling it “one of the most wildest things I’ve ever seen” and a “mess.”

Still, other people are noting some serious and nefarious undertones emanating from Lindsay’s video. “Everyone’s cracking jokes about Lindsay Lohan trying to steal two Syrian refugee kids from their parents & getting punched in retaliation live on Instagram — but I’m actually outraged at her blatant white saviorism,” one person wrote. Another said: “These type of white ‘progressives’ see people of color as projects. They inherently feel we are incapable of taking care of ourselves so it’s THEIR duty to save us. Yet if we reject their ‘help’ they get angry.” And this person put it as simply as writing: “That Lindsay Lohan video just reeks of white privilege.”

Teen Vogue has reached out to Lindsay Lohan’s rep for comment.

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