LifeWise Academy gathers for prayer amid growth

Apr. 25—LIMA — A Bible-centered academy for public school students is continuing to grow in the area. LifeWise Academy Elida was one of 20 to open when the national program first began. In just a few short years, the academy has grown from a little over 100 to 600 students participating at the school.

Community Development Director Nichole Bullock said the organization prays twice a month for students and shares reports of answered prayers. LifeWise provides Bible education to interested students.

On Thursday morning, volunteers gathered to pray for the needs of the program and of the students. Bullock said students open up to the leaders while they are in the class, which is held outside the school at a different location.

Parents must consent for children to participate. Volunteers teach the participants for one session each week if they choose to forego their library period.

"We are 100% privately funded," Bullock said. "We do not take any tax dollars. So, we have to raise our own money to make this program happen and that is always at the forefront of our prayers. We also have situations with our kids we pray for. Sometimes, our kids will ask for requests and things like that."

Bullock also said the program is legal and off of school property. The organization is currently available to students in the 1st through 6th grades.

"We also are hoping to expand our program, nothing is official yet," Bullock said. "That is the hope. It will take more funding, more buses and more volunteers. We also pray for our community as a whole."

At the Elida literacy night, the organization provided 43 Bibles to families who did not have one at home. Bullock said the program is looking for volunteers as they hope to expand. The program is also housed at Allen East, Delphos, Bath, Perry, Shawnee, Columbus Grove and Spencerville.

For more information on the program visit

Reach Precious Grundy at 567-242-0351.