A life-changing event is about to occur thanks to the solar eclipse—here's what that means for your zodiac sign

Our holiday gift this year is a truly magical and wonderful solar eclipse, otherwise known as a Capricorn new moon. I know, we tend to use superlatives to describe astrological events, as we astrologers get passionate and excited when we observe planetary motions; however, I use these superlatives with great intent for this particular solar eclipse, because there’s truly something magical and life-changing happening in the air on December 25th.

This solar eclipse occurs in conjunction with Jupiter, which tells us that it’s all about expansion, liberation, growth, and spiritual and philosophical insights. And who doesn’t want more clarity, expansion, and truth?

To top it all off, the eclipse is also forming an aspect to Uranus, which tells us that change is likely to occur very quickly in a bold and unpredictable manner. Take note of January 10th and 11th—these will likely be important dates on a personal and collective level.

While I say this often, now is truly a time you want to make your wish list. Be crystal clear about what you want and have the intention of finding these answers if you don’t know them just yet. They will come to you when the time is right—most likely, sooner than later.

Good news is, we’re at a time of a tremendous collective change, as we can expect sudden, unpredictable upheaval; progress; and modernity.

Let’s see how this solar eclipse will affect your zodiac sign. Remember to check both your sun and rising signs!


See yourself as an alchemist, Aries. You can literally make anything happen at this time with all the ingredients necessary to cast the spell you want. Start moving in the direction you want after you make your wish. Be bold and go on a trip or make professionally significant moves. You will find that things will unfold exactly as they’re supposed to and will lead to the outcome you wished for.


The truth is, this eclipse is pushing you to look very deeply within yourself. Once you let this chaotic and unsettling energy enter your life and face your fears, anxieties, blockages, and addictions, your deepest wishes will become fulfilled. While you may be triggered to embrace a caterpillar-turning-into-a-butterfly experience, make sure to look at how beautiful the butterflies are.


Now is the time to stop working so hard and start collecting rewards, Gemini. You’re going to witness significant changes in your relationships and in the way you relate to other people. Good news is, if you’ve been in troublesome situations where you had to complete a ton of hard work, this sense-of-doom pressure is over, so you can experience a much more fulfilling and less lonely path for now on.


If you’re wanting to reunite with someone, don’t do it, especially if you’ve been making relationship decisions that have been motivated by emotions rather than reasons. Your current relationships need to be dictated by the long-term reward as opposed to what your heart wants. Karma is unraveling for you in your relationships. Try not to force anything and instead, surrender to the process.


Expect to make powerful changes in your routine, habits, and daily life. These changes will allow you to feel stronger, healthier, and more secure, grounded, and at peace with yourself. During this time, you’re re-parenting yourself, and this new lifestyle will have a profound impact on many areas of your life, including finances, work, and relationships.


A serious housing, family, or work offer (aka a contract) might come your way. During this time, you’re using all the skills you’ve acquired to build strong foundations and senses of security. However, if you’ve been meaning to make important connections, you’ll either receive or emit these messages during this time.


This eclipse is promoting a tremendous drive within you, Libra. You’re feeling profoundly motivated and even aggressive to go after your goals to get what you want. The main keyword for you is “drive,” whether that involves a lot of communication or actually going on a lot of car rides. Plus, it’s possible for you to feel motivated and driven to change your housing conditions, so now is a good time to move, purchase, or sell your real estate situation.


This eclipse is all about your material stability and abundance, as you’re likely to experience blessings and potent changes in your finances. When it comes to matters of finance, be calculating, rational, cold and detached. Plus, make decisions that are hard, but rewarding in the long-term.


It’s a powerful time for celebrations, Sagittarius. You’re either considering making a sudden decision to commit to love or you’re experiencing a sudden housing change. Either way, these changes will be worth celebrating, not mourning. And because your personal power and impact are rising, you’ll feel more confident to go after what you want.


Because you’re compelled to get rid of relationships that no longer promote long-term stability, growth, or a sense of grounding, your relationships are likely going to be the subject of elimination or transformation. Good news is, these changes will be done with fairness and ease. So try not to sweat the small stuff.


You’re manifesting a sense of purpose, Aquarius. Not only are your finances likely to dramatically improve, but you’ll also find a sense of alignment within yourself. This is a great opportunity to start living in alignment with your purpose, your ideals, and your dreams. Bonus: You could also experience a spiritual awakening at this time.


You could be planning or on the verge of making very bold career choices, Pisces. While your ideals are high, you’re likely to receive great rewards because of your gusto. Either way, be bold and more optimistic than the situation warrants.

For more astrology from me, check out my weekly forecasts!