"Life With Bikes Is Awesomer"- Father And Son Rip Around Local Trails

Next to mountain biking, having a child is allegedly the greatest joy in life. Combining the two must just be a match made in heaven.

One thing we can say for sure is that kids on bikes sure are cute and funny.

Listen to this little fellow chatter his way down a run with his dad in the video below.

It is really great that mountain biking as a sport has progressed to the point that it is accessible for kids to get into like they would any other conventional sport.

If they stick with it, we are going to be seeing younger and younger rippers coming onto the pro stage much like with skiing where the median age for riders pushing the envelope has been in the late teens and low 20s for some time.

This isn't a dig at the older riders in mountain biking by any means, its just cool to see the sport getting a consistent influx of younger people to keep the culture moving forward.

Related: Gen Z Rider's Hilarious New Language "Talus Talk" Needs a Translator

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