Libre Skateshop promo video: Get to know this Pennsylvania shop

Our buddy Cuong Lieng has fulfilled the dream out in Central Pennsylvania with his Libre Skateshop. They're helping grow their local scene and just put out this great promo video. Support you local skateshop, always.

"The Libre team skates spots all over Central Pennsylvania along with some local homies and some clips from the West Coast connection in San Jose. Libre is located at 12 e South Street in Carlisle, PA. Featuring: Dan Hockersmith, Joe Vincett, Tyler Glass, Kenny Moser, Cesar "Monte" Montelongo, Cuong Lieng, Mike Dyson, Steve Clark, Caswell Berry, Austin Gardner, Danny Nguyen, Shaun Baptista, Joey Guevara, Peter Raffin, Adam Grim and Blaise Dibeler. Filmed by: Cuong Lieng, Henry Batley, Billy Cody, Kevin Calderwood, Daniel Lemus and Adam Stephenson. Edited by Billy Cody"

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