Your Libra Monthly Horoscope for October

Photo credit: katie buckleitner
Photo credit: katie buckleitner

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • October 2: Mercury Retrograde ends

  • October 9: Full Moon in Aries

  • October 23: Sun and Venus enter Scorpio

  • October 25: New Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio

  • October 27: Jupiter enters Pisces

  • October 30: Mars Retrograde begins in Gemini

Fall is here, Libra, and so is October! The month starts off with an absolute gift as Venus, in your sign, sits across the sky from generous Jupiter in Aries on October 1. A delicious dose of sweetness arrives in your relationships. You may feel ready to express your love for someone or take the next step in your relationship. If you’re single, this planetary pile-up could signal a dream partner. If your mind is more towards business right now, a favorable contract may be en route to you. Whatever they are, don’t be shy about making your desires known–your charm is off the charts! The following day on October 2, Mercury stations direct in Virgo. That's right, Mercury Retrograde is finally over! Misunderstandings begin to clear up and you’re in a reflective mood. You’re doing a lot of processing behind the scenes and enjoying your solitude.

The Full Moon in Aries on October 9 makes a dramatic entrance and demands you pay attention to your relationships. If you’re coupled up, a turning point could be taking place in your partner's life–perhaps they’re sorting through a milestone at work or with their family. You may be ready to take the next step in your relationship or rebalance the scales by addressing issues that have been swept under the rug. On October 10, Mercury re-enters Libra and graces your 1st house of identity. This is a powerful time to reconsider your retrograde journey–what have you learned? How would you like to move forward? You may feel called to start planning some personal goals or projects. Now is the time to use your mental energy to focus on yourself, your needs, and your desires. A million-dollar idea might be on the way!

You’re ready to take a risk on October 18 when Venus in Libra mingles with Mars in Gemini. When the planet of love and planet of pursuit meet in a harmonious way like this, energy flows in your love life and creativity. Trying something new will lead to personal growth, expansion, and some lucky results. The stars are aligning for you to take a chance! The following day on October 19, the Sun and Venus, both in Libra, clash with Pluto in Capricorn. Family drama may start to pick up some momentum. Matters that have been brushed under the rug are coming up for processing. Engaging in authentic and vulnerable conversations can lead to profound changes. Power struggles, taboo topics, and feelings of jealousy or manipulation are all on the menu today. How will you choose to confront any unhealthy dynamics? It’s time to reclaim your power and honor your truth.

The Sun and Venus, both in Libra, enter the spotlight together on October 22 as they share a kiss at the same spot in the sky. When a planet sits in the heart of the Sun, it’s known as a cazimi. It’s a rebirthing phase for the planet. Similarly, you’re undergoing some sort of physical or psychological shift under this moment. If you’ve been wanting a makeover, call your glam squad, now’s the time! You’ve also been in the midst of Mercury Retrograde’s crossfires for the past few weeks, and now you may be integrating new wisdom into your psychological world. One thing’s for sure: This is a glow up!

The following day, on October 23, the Sun and Venus both enter Scorpio, bringing attention and blessings to the financial sector of your chart. Yes, Scorpio season is here! At work, CEOs and VIPs are taking notice of your effort and the value you bring to the team. If you’ve been waiting on news of a promotion or raise, these planets may bring the whispers of what you’ve been waiting for. This is overall a welcome period for your finances.

A New Moon and solar eclipse on October 25 lights up the financial sector of your chart, ushering in sweeping change. You may be ready to leave a position you’ve held for a long time, or you may be starting a new role. Solar eclipses represent new beginnings with a hint of karma and unexpected change. This is a powerful time to reflect on your finances and resources–how are you building your sense of security for the future? You may be making a significant investment or deciding on a big, meaningful purchase that you’ve wanted for some time. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, re-enters Pisces on October 27, which can make you feel like your to-do list is endless! Be mindful of overextending and overbooking yourself. It’s time to consider your work-life balance.

On the same day, Mercury, in your sign, squares off against Pluto in Capricorn. Difficult conversations with family members may take place. Someone close to you may be displaying an unhealthy power dynamics –or perhaps you are caught up in old habits and patterns. Words pack an extra punch right now. It’s time to face family skeletons in the closet–everyone could benefit from some healing.

A few days later on October 30, Mars stations retrograde in Gemini, calling for you to overhaul your belief system. Thanks to the retrograde, Mars will stay in Gemini until March of next year! If you’re in school or taking a class, you may find yourself reconsidering your interest along the way. Travel could also receive setbacks or delays. Overall, you’re craving new experiences and ready to take some risks. You’re remembering that trying new things will bring you more wisdom and understanding. You’re ready to see new horizons!

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