Your Libra Monthly Horoscope for February

Your Libra Monthly Horoscope for FebruaryHearst Owned

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • February 5: Full Moon in Leo

  • February 11: Mercury enters Aquarius

  • February 18: Sun enters Pisces

  • February 19: New Moon in Pisces

  • February 19: Venus enters Aries

You’ve got more pep in your step this Aquarius season, Libra! Now is the time for you to reconnect with your joy and to prioritize your pleasure. Your romantic and creative pursuits are your focus—'tis the season to have fun! The month starts off with some fun and exciting energy on February 3 when the Sun in Aquarius has a showdown with Uranus in Taurus. You are breaking free from situations that leave you feeling constricted, and now you're choosing to venture into uncharted territory. Risk-taking is on your schedule today. You may feel like your daily routine is off or experience some extra stress on February 4, when Venus in Pisces collides with Mars in Gemini. There are only so many hours in a day—don’t overbook yourself!

The Full Moon in Leo graces us with its presence on February 5, bringing your attention to community and friendships. This Full Moon mingles with unexpected Uranus, so some drama and possible shocking conversations may come up for revision. You’re more aware of your own resources and time and how you choose to share those with others. If others have placed unfair expectations on you, now is the time to speak up. Communication planet Mercury and lord of the underworld Pluto team up for a dramatic realization on February 10. Family secrets or topics within your home or family that you’ve hoped to keep under the rug come up to the surface. This energy can be tough, but it’s also a reminder that you deserve to release the past. Try a cord-cutting ritual to release yourself from any karmic ties that are weighing heavy on you.

Mercury moves into forward-thinking Aquarius the following day and brings back the good vibes. You’re ready for a clean slate. Committing to a daily gratitude practice and reciting 5-10 things you are grateful for in the morning can boost your manifestation power. Venus and Neptune, two of the most romantic planets in the sky, meet in Pisces on February 15, reminding you that it’s the little things that matter most. If you’re in a creative field, work will flow better today. In love, you're feeling expansive and supported. The Sun and Saturn meet in Aquarius on February 16, asking you to put boundaries around your vices. You may also be ready to commit to a creative project or have a serious conversation about your romantic relationship.

The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18 and your schedule picks up. It's Pisces season, and the vibes are shifting! You’re busier than usual and it seems like everyone wants a piece of you. Practice saying no and protect your time for rest.

The New Moon in Pisces on February 19 marks the start of a new project. You could be taking on something new in your career or making changes to your daily life. Today is a beautiful day to reflect on your morning routine and really ask yourself if it sets you up for success. Imagine who you want to be in 5 years and what you want to achieve. What would their daily routine be like? Make the switch now! On the same day, Venus, the planet of harmony and blessings, enters the relationship sector of your chart, helping all your partnerships. If you’re looking for love, it’s written in the stars. You may be taking a next step with someone special or collaborating with a new business contact. Either way, others are eager to support you—don’t be shy, just ask for what you desire.

The month’s planetary events end with Mercury in Aquarius bumping into Uranus in Taurus on February 21. You may be sharing some information that shocks others, but as long as it feels true and authentic to you, do what soothes your soul. Setting boundaries is also key around this time. Protect your energy!

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