Levoit LVAC-200 Cordless Stick Vacuum review

 Levoit LVAC-200 vacuum cleaner.
Levoit LVAC-200 vacuum cleaner.

You can’t deny the convenience of the best cordless vacuums as there’s no worry about being tethered to a power cord, limiting where you clean. There are some standouts in the market, including Shark, Samsung, and Dyson. But Levoit, a brand known for manufacturing some of the best air purifiers, has dipped its toe in the cordless vacuum pool before producing some excellent, budget-friendly options, and its latest offering, the LVAC-200, keeps with tradition.

Levoit’s LVAC-200 is light in features and design, and I don’t consider that a bad thing. You won’t get an auto-emptying dustbin or automatic dirt detection, but what you do get is solid and consistent performance in a lightweight and easy-to-use package. The LVAC-200 sticks with the basics, offering two suction levels, two 2-in-1 nozzle attachments, an easily detachable dustbin, and a few helpful extras. What else do you really need in a vacuum?

When using this cordless option for everyday cleaning tasks and even during more rigorous testing with more concentrated messes, it delivers time and time again. Pet hair, leaves, crumbs, and dirt were picked up with ease on Eco mode, even in the edges and corners of spaces. When Turbo mode was activated, clean-up was even quicker, and the only time it failed was getting some ingrained fur out of low-pile carpeting. Handy LEDs on the vacuum head illuminated the dust and debris, while the anti-tangle roller brush meant I never needed to stop and clean out hair wrapped around the brush.

Everything wasn’t perfect on the Levoit LVAC-200. The two nozzle attachments worked fine but never felt secure when slotted into the vacuum head or the shaft. I would’ve liked more control when using them. Also, not uncommon with cordless vacuums, especially budget options, was the mediocre battery performance. It only lasted 30 minutes in Eco mode, and that time was cut in half in Turbo mode. Recharging that battery took a long while, too. At least the battery is detachable, so you don’t need to worry about storing the vacuum near an outlet.

Even with those slight flaws, the Levoit LVAC-200 is one of the best vacuum cleaners you can find for the price. It looks nice, works great, and makes cleaning up messes quick and painless. So, if you’d like to learn more about this stick vacuum, keep reading.

Levoit LVAC-200: key specs

Levoit LVAC-200: First impressions

The Levoit LVAC-200 arrived in a surprisingly compact, lightweight cardboard box that one person can easily handle. Printed directly on the box were instructions on how to assemble, start using, and empty the dust bin of your cordless vacuum. I liked the convenience of having the instructions so easily available, and there was a user manual for more detailed information on how to use and take care of the cordless vacuum.

Inside the box were quite a few parts, including the shaft, vacuum head, vacuum body, and nozzle attachments. I was slightly shocked by the amount of plastic used to protect all the different components. At least a cardboard material helped keep everything organized for transport rather than styrofoam.

Setting up the Levoit LVAC-200 was self-explanatory. I just had to briefly glance at the assembly instructions, and the cordless vacuum was put together in under 5 minutes. There is a mount to secure the vacuum to a wall. But, I decided to forgo committing to a permanent location at the moment, as the mounting process involves screws. Still, the cordless stick vacuum looked sleek, simple, and easy to use. Based on its weight and style, I was a little skeptical about how well it would actually perform. Luckily, the Levoit LVAC-200 delivered.

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Compact box for the Levoit LVAC-200
Compact box for the Levoit LVAC-200

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all the LVAC-200 components
all the LVAC-200 components

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LVAC-200 hero image
LVAC-200 hero image

Levoit LVAC-200: Price & availability

The Levoit  LVAC-200 usually retails for $199.99 and is available directly from the Levoit website or on Amazon.  If you’re in the UK, you can find it on Amazon UK.

That’s a steal, considering how well it works, especially when many more vacuums sell for much more. Sure, you won’t get an auto-emptying base station, dirt detection, or other special features, but it excels where it matters: vacuuming performance.

Score: 4.5/5

Levoit LVAC-200: Design

As I mentioned, the Levoit LVAC-200 looks sleek and simple. What more could you ask of a cordless vacuum? The vacuum head and body are mostly plastic, though they feel durable and made to last. The shaft is a sturdy brushed metal material that locks the two vacuum components securely together, while the black-and-white color scheme is contemporary and lends itself well to almost anyone’s aesthetic.

I appreciated the svelte dimensions and weight of this vacuum. Measuring just 9.8 x 7.7 x 43.3 inches, you can easily tuck it away in the corner of a room, a back hall, or even a closet. At just over 3 pounds, the Levoit LVAC-200 is also one of the lightest vacuums I’ve ever used, making it easy to maneuver and handy when you want to detach the vacuum head to use the nozzle attachments. My arms never tired, even when reaching to clean cobwebs on the ceiling.

Though this cordless vacuum stands on its own, it’s definitely wobbly and can be a hazard, especially for those who have pets or kids. So, you’ll want to use the included wall mount to ensure it doesn’t topple over if you plan to leave it out all the time.

If you want a simple vacuum, this is for you, as it only has two buttons: power and mode. Then there are two modes: eco and turbo. It took me all of ten seconds to master the controls. There are also three battery indicator lights on the side of the vacuum body, which let you know the device's charge level when in use and where the battery level is while it’s juicing back up. The 2,200mAh battery is also removable, meaning you don’t need to worry about setting the vacuum up near a wall outlet.

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Removable battery on the LVAC-200
Removable battery on the LVAC-200

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Dustbin on the LVAC-200
Dustbin on the LVAC-200

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Only two buttons on the LVAC-200
Only two buttons on the LVAC-200

The Levoit LVAC-200 has a 0.75-liter dust bin, which is average for a cordless vacuum. I usually had to empty it every few cleanings. Unfortunately, there isn’t an auto-emptying base station, so everything needs to be done manually. I found it easy to remove the dust bin, and it even has a little flap to prevent any debris from falling out as you take it to the garbage. A lid release button lets the debris fall right into the garbage. Occasionally, some debris will get stuck, so you’ll need to reach in and pull it out.

Rather than your typical bristle roller brush, the Levoit LVAC-200’s brush on the vacuum head features a bristle-less design, helping to prevent hair from getting tangled. However, if you need to clean the brush, it’s simple to remove it from the vacuum head. That vacuum head also features handy LED lights at the front that are perfect for highlighting the dirt and dust on your floors.

Of course, this cordless vacuum isn’t exclusively for cleaning your floors, so it comes with two 2-in-1 nozzle attachments: a crevice tool and a pet tool with optional brush heads. These are pretty standard and great for cleaning hard-to-reach places and furniture. Unfortunately, there’s nowhere to store them on the vacuum itself, meaning you’ll need to find a good place to put them, ensuring they don’t get lost.

The Levoit LVAC-200 allows you to attach the nozzle attachments—and the vacuum head—in two places, either directly at the end of the vacuum body, which I preferred for vacuuming furniture, or at the end of the shaft, for harder-to-reach places. I found the nozzle attachments attached easily, but they didn’t feel overly secure to the point where I questioned if they were actually installed correctly—a minor design flaw with the vacuum. The shaft also easily detaches with the click of a button but doesn’t bend at all like the higher-end Levoit VortexIQ 40, meaning you’ll occasionally have to bend over to get under lower furniture.

Given that Levoit is known for its air purifiers, the LVAC-200 has a five-step filtration system to help capture and hold dander and other debris at least 0.3 microns in size. Some parts of the filter system are also washable.

Score: 4/5

LVAC-200_s two nozzle attachments
LVAC-200_s two nozzle attachments

Levoit LVAC-200: Performance

When testing the Levoit LVAC-200, I observed its performance during everyday vacuuming tasks using both the vacuuming head and nozzle attachments. Beyond that, I performed more rigorous testing on medium pile carpeting and hard floors to see how the vacuum’s eco and turbo modes handled larger messes.

To start, I used this vacuum to pick up dog hair, crumbs, and other dirt strewn across the downstairs of my home. After one or two passes in Eco mode, the majority of the mess was gone. There was also a good amount of debris under the kitchen cabinets, in corners, and around the edges of rooms. The vacuum easily removed it without me needing to use the nozzle attachments to get into those hard-to-reach places. Its noise level was on par with many other cordless vacuums, as well as washing machines and dishwashers, hitting around 70Db in Eco mode. My brother even questioned if it was actually cleaning anything up, as it was relatively quiet compared to corded vacuums.

I found that I didn’t need to use the Turbo mode often, as Eco got the job done most of the time. There isn’t any automatic dirt detection, so occasionally, I’d activate Turbo with the simple push of a button when on low-pile rugs with a particularly large amount of hair and leaves. You could feel the suction power intensify and hear the noise level increase to about 75Db. And for the most part, much of the debris was gone in a few passes. However, a few rugs had dog hair ingrained in them, and the cordless vacuum failed to get that up. That’s understandable, as even my high-powered Dyson vacuum often struggles with it. Still, the LVAC-200 managed to clean up ornament hooks, coins, and other heavier objects with ease.

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Cleaning up sprinkles on carpeting
Cleaning up sprinkles on carpeting

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LVAC-200 cleaning up sugar
LVAC-200 cleaning up sugar

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LVAC-200 picking up oats
LVAC-200 picking up oats

As I ran the vacuum across various floor types, including tile, hardwood, laminate, carpet, and rugs, it was easy to move around and send the vacuum exactly where I wanted it to go. The only time it got tripped up was on smaller low-pile rugs that weren’t secure to the ground, making the LVAC-200 harder to maneuver. It’s also very lightweight, so I never felt any fatigue while cleaning. I was even able to get the vacuum under some couches thanks to the small height of the vacuum head and wide range of movement, but I did need to bend over slightly when doing this, as the shaft isn’t flexible.

When the LVAC-200 is on, three LED lights shine, and the roller brush spins on the vacuum head the entire time, no matter the floor type or the mess level. Those lights came in clutch, as they highlighted dust and dirt you may have otherwise missed. The roller brush—which is anti-tangle—does exactly what it’s supposed to: prevent hair and other stringy debris from getting stuck on the brush. Even after three weeks, I have yet to need to remove the brush and clean it. However, about three minutes before the battery dies, the brush stops spinning, and the lights turn off.

Speaking of the battery, it’s nothing to write home about. In testing, it lasted slightly over 30 minutes in Eco mode and just under 15 minutes in Turbo, just as the manufacturer claims. It’s not terrible given this cordless vacuum’s budget price, but you may want to look elsewhere if you’re looking to get whole home cleanings done on one charge. There are three LED lights on the side of the vacuum to indicate the charge level, and right before the battery dies, the final light will begin to blink.

Indicator lights for the battery
Indicator lights for the battery

Those lights also let you know when the battery is fully charged, but it takes an excruciating amount of time to get back to 100% at over four hours. Though, that isn’t uncommon with cordless vacuums. One nifty feature is the battery is removable, so I could tuck the vacuum away without needing to worry about it being near an outlet to charge up.

Beyond that traditional vacuum head, there are two 2-in-1 nozzle attachments: a crevice tool and a pet tool. I used the crevice tool under kitchen cabinets and in between couch cushions. It had no problem picking crumbs and other smaller debris. After adding the brush head, it was also perfect for getting pesky dust along the baseboards, leaving everything looking sparkling. The pet tool with the brush head was ideal for getting hair off of couches and chairs, and you can even remove the brush to reveal a fur removal tool. But, even with this tool, my rugs were still left with fur ingrained in them.

My biggest qualm with the nozzle attachments is that they don’t lock in place, leaving them less secure. I often had a problem keeping the tools in my preferred position, as they’d just spin around if I pressed down too hard. That was a problem when I had the attachments installed at both the end of the shaft and the vacuum body. They still worked fine, but the inability to keep them in place made them harder to use.

After everyday cleaning tasks, I put the vacuum through more rigorous tests using three different types of debris in concentrated amounts. Oats on hard flooring in Eco mode was the first test, and the entire mess was picked up in three or four passes. Although, I noticed that the vacuum initially pushed the oats into a small pile before suctioning them. In Turbo mode, the oats' pickup was even quicker at only two passes. Sprinkles and sugar were easier for the vacuum to clean, and I was pleasantly surprised to find no graininess left behind by the sugar.

LVAC-200 crevice tool
LVAC-200 crevice tool

I performed these same tests using the LVAC-200 on medium pile carpeting, and I found the vacuum worked just as well, if not better. It took only a couple passes for the sprinkles, sugar, and oats to be picked up, no matter the mode. But, you’ll want to leave the vacuum on for a few seconds after finishing a job, as the heavier debris, like the sprinkles and oats, would fall out of the vacuum head when I didn’t do that.

Luckily, the Levoit LVAC-200 has very little upkeep and maintenance. You’ll need to empty the dustbin every couple of times you vacuum. It’s a relatively simple task. I miss the auto-emptying some cordless vacuums offer, but I’d much rather shave a significant amount of the cost off and forgo that feature. Beyond that, you’ll need to remove hair from the roller brush occasionally, which Levoit makes easy to do.

It’s also recommended by the manufacturer that you clean or replace the different filters every few months to a year. If you notice a decline in performance, rinsing off or wiping down the filters is an easy solution to the problem. Just be sure everything is completely dry before you put it back on the vacuum. You may want to wipe the vacuum head and body every once in a while. That’s about it, so maintenance shouldn’t be a big concern with the Levoit LVAC-200.

Score: 4/5

Per hair tool attached to vacuum body in action
Per hair tool attached to vacuum body in action

Should you buy the Levoit LVAC-200?

Buy it if...

Don’t buy it if...

How does the Levoit LVAC-200 compare?

While the Levoit LVAC-200 is comparably a great, budget-friendly stick vacuum, it is lighter on features, so if you’re looking for solid performance along with a host of extras, then the Shark Cordless Detect Pro may be more up your alley. Unlike the LVAC-200, this option has a convenient auto-empty station that holds a month’s worth of dirt, while dirt detection technology automatically boosts suction in messier areas. However, Shark’s cordless vacuum costs significantly more and still doesn’t come with a bendable shaft to reach under furniture or a super long runtime.

A pricier option like the Samsung Bespoke Jet AI delivers a longer battery life—lasting up to 100 minutes—and comes with a telescopic shaft, making it easier to vacuum in hard-to-reach places. That’s just scratching the surface, as this cordless vacuum comes with a second vacuum head, an auto-emptying base, AI floor detection, and more. Just be prepared to shell out a good chunk of change with Samsung’s offering.

Maybe you want to stick with the Levoit brand but want a little extra oomph? The VortexIQ 40 is the perfect option. With it, you get most of the features that the LVAC-200 offers, plus a bendable shaft, better suction, and more setting options. This cordless vacuum even has a mode that detects the amount of debris in your space and auto-adjusts the suction power. Best of all, it’s surprisingly affordable.

How we tested the Levoit LVAC-200

I tested the Levoit in my parent's home over several weeks. The flooring consists of laminate, hardwood, tile, and medium-pile carpet with various low-pile rugs scattered throughout. A fluffy dog also lives here, and she leaves lots of fur clumps and is constantly tracking dirt, leaves, and grass around the house.

During my testing, I had the vacuum perform everyday tasks, whether it was a quick whole-home cleaning, picking up in the kitchen after a messy meal prep, or suctioning up fur and dust on the baseboard. Most of the testing happened during the holiday season, so there was a good deal of tree needles, glitter, and tinsel this vacuum tackled.

Beyond everyday tasks, I performed more rigorous tests on the hard floors and carpeting with concentrated debris, including sprinkles, sugar, and oats. Both the Turbo and Eco modes were used, and I also tried the two 2-in-1 nozzle attachments in different settings.

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