What's Your Most Controversial Wedding Opinion?

Though weddings come in many shapes and forms, there are lots of traditions and expectations that surround these noteworthy occasions. Perhaps some are timeless and charming, but others can be tedious, overdone, or just plain frustrating.

Wedding decorations
Thanarak Worakarndecha / Getty Images/EyeEm

Maybe you think that the members of the wedding party are expected to commit wayyy too much time and money to be a part of a wedding. Bachelor/bachelorette parties, wedding showers, gifts, and matching clothes and shoes are expensive, not to mention the time off people are expected to take to participate in all the festivities.

People clinking glasses
Mariia Zotova / Getty Images

Perhaps you think the first dance is a really cringey tradition. You hated having one at your wedding because everyone was staring at you and your two left feet while you nervously swayed off beat. You also feel awkward watching other couples have a first dance at the wedding.

A married couple dancing
Ryan Mcginnis / Getty Images

Or, maybe you find big, elaborate weddings to be a waste of money in general and don't understand why people don't save that money and use it for a downpayment on a house, a big honeymoon, or just put it in savings.

Wedding decorations
Stephen Simpson / Getty Images

What's your controversial wedding opinion? Tell us in the comments or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.