Man's Homemade $50k 'Fantasy’ Robot Looks Creepily Like This Actress


She looks so familiar. (Photo: Reuters)

Hong Kong product and graphic designer Ricky Ma has done what so many have dreamed of: He built a robot woman in his spare time on the balcony of his home, Reuters reports.

The project, which apparently has been Ma’s lifelong fantasy (hmm…), took over a year and a half and cost $50,000. The result? A talking robot with perfect abs that Ma has named Mark 1.


Photo: Reuters

“I figured I should just do it when the timing is right and realize my dream. If I realize my dream, I will have no regrets in life,” Ma told Reuters.

She’s a true engineering feat, created primarily through 3D printing technology, and has a 3D-printed skeleton.

Ma also shared that he designed her to look like a famous Hollywood actress, whom he declines to name.

We have a guess. What do you think?


Photo: Getty Images

Below, you can see the robot in action — moving its arms and legs, turning its head and bowing, creating detailed facial expressions (like a wink), and even uttering phrases such as “Yeah, thank you” after Ma says, “You are so cute.” Try hard not to be creeped out (unless you’re Scarlett Johansson, in which case you should be extremely creeped out).

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