Let’s Discuss the Six of Cups Tarot Card

six of cups tarot card
All About the Six of Cups Tarot CardMargie Rischiogtto

There is something so lovely and familiar about the pleasurable memories from our past, especially when these feelings hark back to a simpler time without the pressures of the here and now. The Six of Cups knows that there’s a reason everything comes back around: Nostalgia incites feelings of hope and inspiration while providing comfort, especially during times of uncertainty. I mean, a trip down memory lane is like an instant hit of dopamine-drenched happiness!

When the Six of Cups tarot card comes up, think comfort foods from your childhood, your favorite TV shows from your youth (why do you think literally everything has been rebooted recently for the millennials?!), your teen self’s fashion sense of style, and the overall feel-good vibes of listening to your fave songs from high school. This blast from the past brings you back to the essence of your true self, the reminder of who you have been that connects you to who you are now…no matter WHAT calamity is going on currently. This, my darling, is the whole essence of the tarot’s Six of Cups, the Minor Arcana card that holds the key to the familiar feel-good vibes that come with the memories of the past.

Six of Cups Keywords

Nostalgia, memories, childhood, familiarity, rose-colored glasses, stuck in the past

Six of Cups Upright Meaning

This card is your call to reconnect to your past, whether it’s with your inner child, your teenage self, or your young adult perspective. What did that time in your life teach you? What lit you up and brought you joy and made you feel alive? What aspects of that time are currently missing and need to be reconnected with?

Remember, the present helps us appreciate the past. Consider the activities you enjoyed back then and everything that felt important to you, and think about how you can bring this into your current life. And don’t worry: If you find yourself struggling to connect to who you were back then, the key can be found through something very simple: music. Nothing tugs at the heartstrings and invokes a memory quite like a song is capable of doing! I guarantee that if you close your eyes and listen to your favorite song from when you were a teen, every emotion will come flooding back…the good times you had with friends, the magnificent art of doing not much of anything for hours and hours. Create a playlist of your most-listened-to songs from high school and put it on to immediately open the portal to go back in time to the past.

Reconnecting to your past reconnects you to the core of who you are. No matter how much time has passed, we are every version of ourselves. Sometimes we lose our way, whether it’s after a painful breakup, a devastating loss, or a period of stagnation with a lack of inspiration. This is the way back to you. Bring some of that much-needed energy into your current situation.

Six of Cups Reversed Meaning

The past is powerful. It has an alluring draw that pulls us in to wax nostalgic and see our memories through rose-colored glasses. With the passing of time, it’s easy to get caught up in the haze and think that perhaps that situation wasn’t so bad. Maybe that job wasn’t so toxic after all or maybe that ex wasn’t so awful, just misunderstood. Okay, let’s stop all of that right now, because it really isn’t kind to invalidate your own experiences like that.

Before you go running back to reconnect or whatever you were thinking of doing, consider that warning that is imposed on every car’s side mirror—yes, you know the one! “Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.” Just like the mirror is meant to help us avoid accidental disasters, we must heed the notion that looking back also distorts one’s perception of objects and obstacles due to distance. What I am trying to say here is don’t let the passing of time distort your memories too much. Accept that whatever it is that you’ve been wistfully thinking of is in the past for a reason, and leave it there. If we get so wrapped up in the past, we miss out on all the beauty of the present. Life is pretty good in the here and now.

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