Let’s Discuss the Nine of Wands Tarot Card

nine of wands tarot card
All About the Nine of Wands Tarot CardGetty/Margie Rischiotto

Circumstances may be challenging at the moment, times may be tough, and your energy is nearly depleted, but my darling, now is not the time to give up! You’ve made it this far, so why would you throw in the towel now? You are SO close to where you want to be! The Nine of Wands tarot card appears in a tarot reading when you have almost won the battle. Now, you need to muster up the courage, determination, and sheer willpower to keep going and finish what you started!

Nine of Wands Keywords

Resilience, persistence, stubbornness, courage, inner strength, grit, fatigue, giving up, weary, close to success

Nine of Wands Upright Meaning

The path to greatness and success is usually not easy. Some dreams are difficult to make a reality, but just because something is really challenging, it does not mean that it isn’t worth doing. And just because an unexpected wrench gets thrown in the system or an obnoxious obstacle is in your path, it doesn’t mean you should give up or abandon your plans! It’s actually the opposite: This means time to double down. Believe in yourself, your mission, and your goals! If you have been looking for a cosmic sign from the universe to keep going, this is IT! Trust the process and I beg of you, do not give up!

When the Nine of Wands appears in a tarot card reading, rest assured that this endeavor is worth putting more of yourself into. You can realize your own immense strength and resilience in times of adversity. It doesn’t matter if you fall down (or how many times you stumble!), because what’s truly significant is how we rally and get back up and keep going. The end of the journey can be the hardest part, especially when victory is so close. You have come a long way, you have endured so much, and OMG, you are exhausted! But instead of losing steam, you muster up that last bit of energy and cross the finish line. Trust me, you will look back on this moment fondly as a testament to your confidence. In the future, this will be a reminder of a time when you found the hidden resources of strength you didn’t even know you had in order to accomplish your goals.

Nine of Wands Reversed Meaning

Times are tough right now, and this is really crushing your spirit! The battle you are currently fighting is arduous. At this point, it feels endless, so it’s hard to find the will to keep going or to see the progress you've made so far. Even though it might feel like it, I promise that the universe is not conspiring against you! (The universe is far more benevolent and supportive than that!)

Look, it’s perfectly understandable to feel weary and exhausted (because you are), but don’t give up just yet. Do you need help? Seek it out! There is support available for you, so reach out to your community and your resources. You don’t need to take on more responsibilities when you already feel so bogged down. Stick to your plan and stay focused on what YOU are doing (not what everyone else is doing, that’s just an unnecessary distraction). Now, doesn’t that feel so much better and so much more manageable? You’ve got this!

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