Let's Collectively Cringe at This Video of Prince William Mixing Up Japan and China

Photo credit: Tim P. Whitby - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tim P. Whitby - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Please prepare for a full body cringe because Prince William just made a massive flub and the entire thing was caught on camera. While attending the grand opening of Japan House in London, William asked a group of group of school children practicing using chopsticks if they had tried "much Chinese food."

Again, he was at an event celebrating the culture of Japan. Which, to be clear, is an entirely different country.

William immediately realized he made a mistake, correcting himself and saying "Sorry, Japanese food. Have you had much Japanese food? No? Not too much. Do you like sushi? It's delicious, it really is yummy."

Welp. Guess there's nothing for this future king to do now but sit back, relax, and pray that Twitter doesn't go in on him.

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