Let De'Aaron Fox Show You How to Look Good at the Gym

Let De'Aaron Fox Show You How to Look Good at the Gym

Phase 1: Burn Your Old Gym Clothes

Forget jumping jacks. Here's a new first step in your workout routine: Get a fire going in a metal trash can and incinerate your ratty shorts and tees. This may sound counter-intuitive, but you might need to cancel your gym membership, too. Because gyms—and the weight-lifting circuits they're built around—perpetuate an outdated fitness model. We don't want inflated beach muscles; we want a full-body workout. NBA rookie De'Aaron Fox carves out a new path for sweatin' it out. Let him show you what to wear, eat, lift, carry along, and charge up for the quietly revolutionary anti-gym workout. Because the best fitness inspiration we can think of? The thought of never stepping on an elliptical again.

Phase 2: Dress Like You Hate the Gym (Because You Do)

No need to choose between performance and aesthetics anymore—good news: A brand like Dyne can do both. In 2018 apparel is evolving, and the best-looking gym clothes shouldn't be so…gym-y. No more neon or mesh or neon mesh. A forward-thinking company like Fourlaps knows there is life outside the weight room.

“It's time to do away with the term ‘athleisure.’ Let's hear it for the return of athletic clothes made for...doing athletic stuff.” —Jim Moore, GQ Creative Director-at-Large

Or you can take Fox's approach. Back in his college days at Kentucky, he often played in tights under his shorts. The sleek new apparel line STLR proves that snug gear actually helps you move—and might help kill off the baggy look that's been popular since the Fab Five were freshmen. Oh, and the brand is pronounced exactly the way its clothes look: stellar.

Tank top, $92, shorts, $108, and tights, $124, by STLR. Sneakers, $110, by Nike.
Tank top, $92, shorts, $108, and tights, $124, by STLR. Sneakers, $110, by Nike.

Phase 3: Just Be Like De'Aaron Fox, Point Guard for the Kings

Cruising down I-5 in his matte black Tesla—his phone resting in his lap and his GPS chattering in the background—unflappable 20-year-old Sacramento rookie De'Aaron Fox is talking about his hair as if he's chilling in the barber's chair. “It's the first thing people look at,” he says. “And I look good with it. I haven't cut it since my junior year of high school.” That signature twist-out hairstyle was the first sign, even as a one-and-done college freshman for John Calipari at Kentucky, that the kid cared about fashion. The next indication: He wore a burgundy suit and red-bottom Louboutins to the draft lottery.

But for him, a little extravagance goes a long way. “I've actually done nothing with my first NBA check. I got my parents a house, but I did that with Nike endorsement money. I have my car. I have a place to stay. There's nothing huge that I really need.” Instead, he's taking his slashing game straight to NBA defenses (it's been more than a decade since Sacramento took anything to anyone). And when you're trying to resurrect a cellar-dwelling franchise, the last thing you can do is slow down.

Phase 4: Shop These Products: