Would You Let Amazon Access to Your House?

amazon warehouse
amazon warehouse

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We're all about modern conveniences and if something is being designed that is going to make a major difference in our day, we are totally hear for that. We love any new service or technology that gets things done faster (thank you Keurig) or simplifies daily chores we don't want to do, which Amazon has perfected with their quick shopping and home delivery service.

But, even though these advances we want to make sure we're maintaining two important things: our safety and our privacy, but maybe we can have our cake and eat it too?

According to tech blog The Information, two smart home companies that make connected garage door openers and locks, are looking at trying to make it possible for Amazon to make in-home deliveries.

Yes, because the convenience of your latest shopping spree coming directly to your house stoop isn't enough, companies, August and Garageio, are developing a way to allow the delivery person to enter your house so they can safely leave your package inside.

While this is good news if you're spending your evenings driving to the post office because you weren't home to accept your package and they didn't just leave it, it does open a lot of questions about privacy and safety.

Wearable reports that although it sounds like it may not be a good idea to give someone access to your home when you're not there, the two smart home companies are taking precautions to make the access safe.

"The option to give one-time access to our smart locks will be included in the delivery page during check out," the writer explains. "And the delivery person would enter a temporary pin onto the lock or nearby smartphone to get in."

They also explain that the access key will only work during a short window of time, really when your package should be delivered, so you won't be giving a stranger unlimited access to your home, but it will still be a stranger in your space.

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If this new technology does hit Amazon as an option during delivery, CNET says the cost for distributors would go down as well since they won't have to package their products keeping elements like cold, heat or rain in mind since they'll be left cozy and safe indoors.

Early test of this new service is underway in Seattle, where the main hub of Amazon is located, but as of yet there hasn't been any official word on whether this service will be available elsewhere or if it's going to be an ongoing thing.

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