What Leo Season 2023 Means For Your Zodiac Sign

Can you feel the heat? The Sun will travel through fiery Leo from July 23 to August 22 this year, and things are boiling.

Summer has already been a wild ride, and the stars are turning up the temperature again. Leo season is a time when boldness reigns supreme. Over the next few weeks, passion, confidence, and ambition are at an all-time high. You’ll feel more empowered to express yourself and more likely to be outgoing and friendly than you’ve felt in months. It’s also a great time to connect with your creative side. Whether you’ve been considering exploring a new passion project, picking up an old hobby, or just putting yourself out there more—Leo season is your chance to shine.

Of course, it wouldn’t be Leo season without some drama. Over the next few weeks, there will be a few cosmic surprises that will cause a stir. Leo season flips everything around from the very start and reveals all the hidden secrets. For better or worse, it’s time to air out all your dirty laundry and get real. There will be break-ups, breakdowns, and breakthroughs like you’ve never seen before. And despite all the clashing vibes, there’s considerable potential to come through on the other side stronger and self-assured.

Keep reading to see what Leo season 2023 has in store for your zodiac sign, plus all the important dates you’ll want to mark on your calendar.

What to Expect During Leo Season 2023

Leo season begins when the Sun moves into Leo on July 23 and lasts until August 22, when it moves into the grounded energy of Virgo. During this time, you’ll feel more closely aligned with the qualities and traits that feisty and fierce Leo is famous for. The Sun is in its rulership in Leo, and everyone seems to feel bright and bubbly during these few weeks. Leo season is a welcome change to the more reflective and reserved energy that Cancer season usually holds. After spending the last few weeks working on your inner world, dreams, desires, and emotions–it’s your chance to get out and enjoy your life a little more!

Venus Retrograde in Leo

<p>Shutterstock | NASA Images</p>

Shutterstock | NASA Images

Leo season starts off with a bang when Venus stations retrograde in Leo from July 22 to September 3, 2023.

Venus is the planet of love, romance, sex, beauty, and manifestation. It's the source of all things pleasure and joy in astrology. When Venus is in Leo, you feel encouraged to explore your sensual side and express your desires more freely. Venus entered Leo on June 5, keeping things fun and flirty since. However, Venus will take a cosmic backspin the same day the Sun enters Leo this month, shaking up your summer plans.

In astrology, retrograde periods slow the energy flow and ask you to rethink your thoughts, views, and opinions. Retrogrades are much more common than you might think–and not nearly as destructive as their reputation might suggest. Retrograde cycles allow you to slow down and reconsider how you want to move forward. When Venus stations retrograde, astrologers say it's time for significant changes to your relationships, friendships, and self-image.

Venus retrograde lasts for about six weeks. During this time, astrologers suggest holding off on making any impulsive decisions about your love life, finances, or looks. People from your past might make unexpected cameos, but the stars want you to avoid the drama. Use this time to reconnect with yourself. Ask yourself what makes you feel the most joyful and free. Then, look for new ways to embrace those things daily.

READ MORE: Your Ultimate Love, Money, and Beauty Guide to Venus Retrograde.

Chiron Retrograde in Aries

<p>Shutterstock / Ground Picture</p>

Shutterstock / Ground Picture

If Venus Retrograde wasn't enough to keep you busy, Chiron retrogrades in Aries from July 23, 2023, until December 26, 2023.

Unlike other placements in astrology, Chiron isn't a planet; it's a comet with an erratic and unpredictable orbit. When Chiron enters a new zodiac sign, you may feel more insecure and doubtful regarding those energies. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and exudes a natural authority and swagger that is hard to ignore. Chiron is the "wounded healer" and symbolizes your deepest wounds and insecurities and how you can progress toward healing them. When Chiron stations retrograde, astrologers say it's time to face your fears and grow through the discomfort.

Chiron retrograde comes at a critical time this year. If you've been stuck in a repetitive pattern or lost in a haze, this retrograde will light a fire in you. When Chiron is retrograde, it brings all your hidden wounds to the surface in a way you can't ignore and pushes you to release your insecurities. Chiron entered Aries on April 17, 2018, but took a brief detour into Pisces before settling in for good on February 18, 2019, where it will stay until it moves into Taurus on June 19, 2026. We're halfway through this disruptive transit, and this retrograde period will be a welcome breath of fresh air.

Chiron in Aries will feel extra powerful this year, thanks to its connection with the lunar nodes of fate. Any changes or difficult decisions you make during Chiron retrograde will bring you one step closer to your destined path in life. Over the next several months, you'll establish a new reputation as someone who isn't afraid to stand out. Don't worry about getting it all perfect the first time around. You'll get another chance to reconsider your approach when Chiron retrogrades back into Aries on September 17, 2026, before finally closing out the cycle on April 14, 2027.

Mercury Enters Virgo

<p>Shutterstock / NASA Images</p>

Shutterstock / NASA Images

Mercury enters Virgo, the sign of its rulership, on July 28, 2023, and will provide the stability and focus you need to refine your plans.

Mercury is the planet of communication and governs your ability to take the thoughts you have and express them to others clearly. Mercury helps refine your critical thinking skills, sharpen your speech, and motivate you. Mercury is cruising through Virgo for a few weeks – and things will feel more grounded. Virgo is a very detail-oriented sign, which makes this a great time to focus on the little things. Take care of whatever is looming over your head or creating clutter. Not only will it be easier to finish complex tasks during Mercury in Virgo – you'll feel accomplished once it's all said and done.

Virgo rules over things like physical health, daily routines, and the mundane activities of everyday life. When Mercury spends an extended amount of time in Virgo, it's time to focus on completing little tasks. Virgo energy isn't about speed; it's about accuracy. And while it might not be the most fun or thrilling transit you're experiencing this month, it's one of the most beneficial. Mars in Virgo will support Mercury's journey through Virgo and ask you to put in the work. If you've been waiting for the right time to eliminate an old habit, start a new wellness routine, or simplify and streamline your life, this is the time to do it.

You'll want to take advantage of the forward-moving energy this month because Mercury will retrograde from August 23 to September 15, 2023. While Virgo thrives in the energy of Mercury, it doesn't enjoy the chaos and confusion that retrograde cycles bring. That means all of the positive qualities and perks that generally come with Mercury being in Virgo are on hold. You can expect to feel foggy, confused, and irritable. Luckily, there's an entire month before Mercury takes its third retrograde of the year. So don't worry about that yet. Instead, focus on the benefits of working with Virgo's careful and methodical energy.

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Full Moon in Aquarius

<p>Shutterstock / Fernando Astasio Avila</p>

Shutterstock / Fernando Astasio Avila

On August 1, 2023, the Super Full Moon in Aquarius will peak in the night sky.

A supermoon describes a full moon geographically closer to Earth than usual, known as perigee. The moon appears fuller and brighter than usual in the sky during this time. Astrologers believe that the clarity and intensity of the full moon can increase the amount of energy that the collective feels. So, when the moon is closer than usual–all of the traits and qualities associated with the sign of the full moon are amplified. Aquarius is about subverting expectations, and August's Super Full "Sturgeon Moon" will undoubtedly make a splash!

Full Moons in astrology are a time for releasing the past and resting. The moon represents your thoughts, feelings, dreams, and inner desires. Under the full moon's energy, embracing your soft side is the way to go. While new moons are good for starting new projects and setting intentions, the full moon is better for karmic releases, shadow work, and manifesting. The Super Full Moon in Aquarius has the cosmic support of Jupiter when it squares off with La Luna. This aspect amplifies the intensity around finding your soul's purpose. Jupiter is the great teacher of the cosmos and will push you to get uncomfortable and challenge yourself.

Take advantage of this supermoon with the help of a full moon ritual. Make moon water or meditate outside during this lunation. It's also an ideal time to charge or cleanse your favorite crystals in the moonlight. Because Jupiter, the planet of knowledge and wisdom, is involved in this Full Moon, you might find the answers you're looking for in your tarot cards. A simple three-card tarot spread is an easy way to check in with what the stars are trying to tell you. Never underestimate the power of the cards!

New Moon in Leo

<p>Shutterstock | SN VFX</p>

Shutterstock | SN VFX

Leo season ends with the New Moon in Leo on August 16, 2023. New moons mark the beginning of the lunar cycle, and this one is coming at the right time.

After weeks of navigating a very hectic Leo season, it’s time to move forward fearlessly. New moons are associated with hope and possibility. A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon meet at the same degree in the sky each month. The closeness of these two placements helps align your ego and heart desires with your dreams. A new moon in astrology has the power to create. When the moon is in a sign like Leo, the artist of the zodiac, you’ll feel encouraged to put yourself out there. The things you manifested during the Super Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1, 2023, are taking shape. Don’t expect everything to change overnight suddenly. This new moon is the first step of many that will carry you on your journey.

Venus will play a significant role in this lunation when it forms a conjunction with the New Moon in Leo. When the Moon and Venus link up in the night sky, you’ll want to seek pleasure in all forms. And because Venus will be retrograde during this new moon, the stars allow you to embrace the unexpected. You’ll remember these days; don’t forget to savor the moment. The new moon will also form a square with Uranus, the planet of rebellion and change. Emotions could be unpredictable and even explosive if you’re not careful with your words. It’s best to hold off on tough conversations or petty disagreements.

New moons are a great time to take inspired action toward your goals. If the full moon is about manifesting, the new moon is about making it happen. This can be as simple as doing one task or making one decision that puts you closer to getting what you want. When the new moon is in a fire sign like Leo, you’ll want to do things that fuel your fire and feed your ego a little. Think about what you want to invite over the next month. Create affirmations that remind you of your goals. The New Moon in Leo is your chance to wish upon a star and commit to putting yourself first.

UP NEXT: What Is Moon Mapping? How To Manifest With the Phases of the Moon.