Your Leo Monthly Horoscope for September

Add these dates to your GCal:

  • Monday, September 6: New Moon in Virgo

  • Monday, September 20: Full Moon in Pisces

  • Wednesday, September 22: Sun enters Libra

  • Monday, September 27: Mercury Retrograde in Libra

Leo Sun/Moon/Rising:

You’re striking gold this September, and you deserve it, my fierce Lion goddess. Virgo season will be the energy that just keeps on giving when it comes to your wallet. Money is a mindset, my love, and now you are releasing the limitations holding you back. This abundant energy will amp up on the New Moon in Virgo on September 6. The opportunities that manifested during the vibrance of Leo season now require the actual work, practice, and focus. I believe in you, my dear Lioness! You also can start tweaking your budget, especially now that your net worth is improving. You go, Leo…it’s your world and we all just live in it!

Playtime is also over when it comes to love this month. If you’ve been casually “talking” to a potential flame, this could take a dive off the deep end towards commitment. Venus, the ruler of relationships, moves into Scorpio on September 10. Some of you Lions will start setting up your cozy den for the winter with that special someone. For others, positive yet sudden changes can occur with an important work contract. Don’t stress—this change is totally for the best, babe.

As the Moon continues to move through the cosmos, there is an important Full Moon in Pisces influencing your financial world on September 20. If you’ve been hustling and investing sweat equity in your dreams, this is the time for the long awaited coin to finally come in! For some of you, this Full Moon indicates benefitting from the financial growth of a partner. You reap what you sow, and the universe is rewarding you with the rewards that you deserve!

Soon after the Full Moon, Libra season begins as the Sun moves into your communication house on September 22. This is creating a powerful stellium (quick translation: three or more planets in one sign) and placing the focus on interpersonal communication. Creative differences can happen if you’re not careful, so tactfully navigate your work relationships during this time.

It’s also important to continue this balanced mindset throughout the rest of the month. Mercury Retrograde officially starts on September 27 and will last until October 17. Mercury rules over our communication and how we process information. Expect the usual retro-haze mishaps during this time, but there are steps you can take to minimize the headaches, like editing that important email, or taking time out if you are second-guessing a heated text. You don’t want to have to do relational damage control later.

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