Your Leo Monthly Horoscope for February

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • Feb. 1: New Moon in Aquarius

  • Feb. 3: Mercury Direct in Capricorn

  • Feb. 4: Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

  • Feb. 11: Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

  • Feb. 16: Full Moon in Leo

  • Feb. 17: Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

  • Feb. 18: Pisces Season Begins

  • Feb. 24: Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Welcome to February, you show-stopping Leo! The month starts off on February 1 with a New Moon in Aquarius in your 7th house of committed partnership, contracts, and marriage. If you’re craving a career change or eager to leave your current job, your partner(s) may have some feelings about that. There is a clash between how you want to expend your energy and what your partner thinks you should be doing. This New Moon offers the chance to open dialogue and find a balance. Or perhaps you’re taking on new contracts and freelance work that’s causing extra tension in your career. Either way, change is unavoidable, so stop resisting.

Your schedule starts to run more smoothly on February 3 once Mercury goes direct in Capricorn. That's right, Mercury Retrograde is finally over! Your work/life balance has felt a little overwhelming and you’re overdue for inviting in more rest and self-care into your daily life. On February 4, the Sun, your ruling planet, has its annual hang-out with Saturn, the planet of discipline. You may be having serious conversations about the future with your partners, or you may be offered a contract that puts you in a position of authority. This is a day that requires determination and hard work, but recognition is around the corner. A painful secret is unearthed a few days later on February 11 as Mercury joins forces with Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld. Taboo topics and painful memories may be revealed. Intense conversations occur that can shift power dynamics.

You’re in the spotlight (again) on February 16 with the Full Moon in Leo! This is a cosmic shedding of your skin—it's time to release past versions of yourself that no longer serve you. If you’ve been scared to embrace and embody new interests and integrate a new sense of self, today’s the day to face that fear. Let others know the magic of your authenticity and step into your power and confidence. This Full Moon forms a tight angle with the Nodes of Fate, making this cosmic makeover a debut for the ages. You may feel like you’re becoming a new person and, well, maybe you are. Growth and self-acceptance is a major part of living a fulfilled life. Own it all. Some financial luck arrives on February 17, when Jupiter in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus deliver opportunity. You may receive financial support out of the blue or opportunities to contract with another company in your field of work. Luck is on your side today.

You’re reaching deep inside your mind and psyche on February 18 as the Sun enters Pisces. This season invites you to explore unprocessed pain by working with a therapist, confiding in a friend, or actively doing shadow work. Traveling back to your childhood can unlock secrets and break patterns that have been limiting your potential. Watch out for verbal clashes on February 24 as Mercury in Aquarius squares off with Uranus in Taurus. Shocking comments and conversations take place within your partnerships and at work. This is reactive energy, so be mindful of your tone before speaking and try to understand that others are acting from an impetuous place.

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