Your Leo Monthly Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski

From Cosmopolitan

Your Key Dates:

  • July 2: Reflect on everything that’s changed

  • July 7: Don’t triple-text your crush at 3AM

  • July 16: Make small changes to improve your life

  • July 22: Happy (almost) birthday! Start shining ✨

The last two summers have been… a bit extra. Since 2016, eclipses on the Leo-Aquarius axis were shaking up almost every area of your life. While most of these changes proved to be positive, they were absolutely exhausting. Fortunately, the eclipses have switched gears and will be illuminating the Cancer-Capricorn axis through 2020. On July 3, a solar eclipse in Cancer will activate the area of your chart connected to your intuitive, psychic realm. This is time to reflect on all that has transformed. How has your life evolved over the past three years? Your senses will be extremely sharp under this sky, so make sure to give yourself plenty of space to decompress.

Carving out some solo time will be especially important beginning on July 7 when Mercury-the planet of expression-goes backward in your own sign. That’s right, Leo babe, Mercury Retrograde is at it again. Through July 31, you’ll want to be extra diligent to avoid social disasters. I know you want to hear from your crush, but sending five dozen text messages may not be the best approach. Keep your cool, lion darling. You don’t want to create problems unnecessarily.

Eclipses always travel in pairs. On July 16, a lunar eclipse in Capricorn will electrify the night sky. This lunation will create a dynamic tension between your spirituality and functionality, encouraging you to reconsider how you spend your days. If the rat race has started taking a toll on your energy, this is an excellent time to renegotiate your realities. Before you make any radical changes (especially during Mercury Retrograde), start small. Try taking a different route during your morning commute-even the slightest shift in perspective could yield monumental results.

On July 22, the Sun, which just so happens to be your celestial ruler, moves into your own sign and kicks off Leo season. Hello, birthday baby. It’s officially your time to shine! You love to be the center of attention, so live it up under the Sun. The next few weeks are all about you. Be sure to celebrate your passionate, playful, and performative sensibilities. On July 31, the Moon will join the Sun in Leo, creating a dynamic New Moon that will be sure to catalyze exciting opportunities. So embrace it in true Leo fashion-with big hair, animal prints, and lots of bold decisions.

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