Lenny Kravitz Is Shredded—and Very, Very Naked—in New Music Video

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Lenny Kravitz is still writing and performing killer music at the age of 59—and the music video for his latest single "TK421" is just as racy as the provocative rock star's previous output. Maybe even more so.

Not to be outdone by his younger self baring his butt in the "Again" video back in 2000, Kravitz went fully nude for "TK421." And we're not talking a brief shot here. Kravitz is naked for the entire thing, singing in the buff, romping around an empty ballroom, and soaping down his defined pecs and abs in the shower.

It's a pop culture moment that is all-but-guaranteed to send the internet into a thirsty frenzy, as the rock star flaunts his carved physique and proves that he is in the most phenomenal shape of his life.

"My best shape is not behind me," Kravitz said in his 2020 Men's Health cover story. "It's in front of me right now. We keep moving that bar as we get older."

The musician's undying verve and lust for life can be attributed, in part, to his active lifestyle: he works out five or six days a week and keeps to a vegan diet.

Perhaps unsurprisingly for somebody who lives in the Bahamas, Kravitz prefers to train outdoors—"I'd rather be outside and in nature than being cooped up inside a gym"—with a combination of fasted cardio in the morning and weights in the afternoon. He dumbbell curls, dumbbell bench press, and air squats as staples, and when it comes to sculpting that famous six-pack of his, he favors core-scorching knee raises in a challenging pullup position.

In addition to his "jungle workout," he knows better than most that abs are built first and foremost in the kitchen. "I'm very careful about what I put into my body and how I take care of my body," Kravitz told Men's Health, explaining that he grows his own fresh produce and eats most of it raw. "It's a combination of eating all these things and working out and keeping my muscles and my joints in shape, so that I can do what I do."

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