Lenny Kravitz "Cannot Escape" His Gigantic Scarf

Lenny Kravitz "Cannot Escape" His Gigantic Scarf

Ok, so we know when Lenny Kravitz says he "cannot escape" his giant scarf, he means the meme. After wearing, essentially, a rug around his neck in 2012, the image of Kravitz running errands has been meme'd to death. “I live in the Bahamas, I’m used to hot weather and I had to go to the store, I was buying some groceries and I thought I’d put on a little scarf to protect my throat, and that’s the scarf I had," he told Jimmy Fallon last night. Yes we know, but the question is why on Earth was that the scarf you had?

It's good to see Kravitz has a sense of humor about it. But what if he's trying to say something more? What if, after six years, the scarf has continued to grow and has taken over his body, like one of those fungi that infects ants' brains? What if Kravitz is more scarf than man now, and the cheerful banter is a smokescreen for the fact that it's the scarf talking now? It's getting colder out. It's becoming scarf season. Stay vigilant.