Lego sushi is the most mesmerising thing you'll see today

 Lego sashimi
Lego sashimi

We've seen plenty of clever stop-motion animations in our time, but we still sometimes come across one that's a whole different kettle of fish. I cannot even begin to calculate the amount of time that must have gone into creating the Lego cookery stop motions below.

The video demonstrates the process of making a range of dishes, including the preparation of bluefin tuna sashimi, from bleeding the fish to serving it up with wasabi. The oddly satisfying stop-motion makes it look like the chef is slicing clean through fillets of Lego, and the level of detail and the ASMR-generating sound effects have made it a huge hit on YouTube (see our pick of the best ring lights and the best cameras for YouTube to up your game on your own channel).

Many people have commented on the time that must have gone into making the animation, which was created by the YouTuber I Love Home. The respect for the detail of the whole process of making sashimi is also impressive, and this makes it a stunning piece on several levels: the craft of building with lego, the craft of making sashimi and the craft of editing a smooth stop-motion video.

"I can tell the creator has studied the way the real life things move and work," one person commented on the video. One person has even attempted to estimate the number of Lego studs in the salmon and has confirmed that it is "accurate both in size and appearance"

Others suggested that the Lego dish must be even more expensive than good sashimi, while some have commented that it could be a metaphor for the crisis of plastics entering the food supply. But many simply find the video strangely relaxing to watch. "After a long stressful or overwhelmingly day, it's always nice to have these videos to come back to. So relaxing," one person wrote.

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