How to Do Leg Lifts Correctly for a More Effective Abs Workout

You can crunch, plank, and leg-lift all you want — but if you aren't doing these moves correctly (and pairing them with a healthy lifestyle), you probably aren't going to see abs progress anytime soon. (And for the record, core strength is important for a lot more reasons than getting a six-pack.)

When it comes to exercises for your abs, leg lifts are a pretty basic — but effective — core move. But it's easy to mess them up (ditto with biceps curls). So in the interest of helping you optimize your abs routine instead of wasting time in the gym, here are the most common leg-lift mistakes and how to do a perfect leg lift, according to Jen Widerstrom, a NASM-certified trainer and Shape's former fitness director. Watch her demo the correct and incorrect version, then give it a try yourself in this 10-minute at-home abs workout.

How to Do Effective-for-Your-Abs Leg Lifts

The key mistake is arching your lower back, which lets your abs muscles slack off and puts more pressure on your hip flexors and back extensor muscles to control and perform the movement. Before you toss your legs around, find a solid position lying faceup with your arms overhead and legs extended, and really press your lower back into the floor. (This is called a hollow body hold; for more deets, watch this demo by Bob Harper.) Once you can hold that for 15 seconds with your back pressed firmly into the floor, try the leg lift with Widerstrom's tips.


  • Press lower back into the floor. While lowering your legs, stop once you feel your back lifting off the floor.

  • Keep legs together and inner thighs engaged.

  • Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up.


  • Allow lower back to arch off the floor.

  • Let legs come apart.

  • Hold your breath.