Leading Lung Cancer Charities & Organizations

Where you should turn if you're looking for support or wish to lend support

Medically reviewed by Brian Bezack, DO

People often wonder how they can help in the fight against lung cancer. They may be motivated by the help their own families have received, because lung cancer organizations make a real difference for people living with the disease.

These groups offer a range of services, from youth education to screening initiatives to research funding. Rather than compete against each other, the leading lung cancer organizations each have a role. This article looks at some of the key players and the work they are doing on lung cancer.

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LUNGevity is a large organization focused solely on lung cancer. It supports those living with the condition and funds research. Perhaps, though, it is best known as the organization that provides education, support, and connections for those living with lung cancer today.

The annual HOPE Summit is a LUNGevity event that gathers cancer survivors from across the United States. They are invited to spend a few days learning more about their disease, while developing lifelong friends who are facing a similar struggle.

Seeing group photos of long-term stage 4 lung cancer survivors often has meaning beyond words to someone living with lung cancer. LUNGevity also supports regional summits across the country.

It is a key source of research funding to support scientists looking for lung cancer treatments. The financial support for young researchers helps ensure that lung cancer work will continue in the future.

For people living with lung cancer, the LUNGevity website is an excellent source of up-to-date information written by professionals, but in language accessible to anyone.

Related: Leading Lung Cancer Charities & Organizations

GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer

The GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer is an organization formed by the merger of two very active lung cancer organizations: the Lung Cancer Alliance and the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation.

Historically, the Lung Cancer Alliance provided information and support for people with lung cancer. Yet it stands out as one of the most active groups working to address public policy, talking with lawmakers and other key decision-makers who are responsible for advocacy and change.

The Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation also contributes to research and support, but with a special focus on supporting young people with lung cancer. Lung cancer in young adults is a unique disease in many ways.

People who are young at the time of diagnosis are much more likely to have genetic changes, or mutations, that can be targeted by specific drugs—and more drugs are always in development. Young people also have issues that older people may not, such as fertility issues related to cancer treatment.

Working together now as the GO2 Foundation, the two groups host a number of events including an annual advocacy summit. The monthly Lung Cancer Living Room welcomes all participants to come in person or join virtually. It's a chance for those living with lung cancer to connect with doctors, scientists, and of course, other lung cancer advocates about a wide range of related topics.

The American Lung Association

The American Lung Association (ALA) supports people with a wide range of lung diseases, but has become more active in raising awareness about lung cancer specifically. You may be familiar with their Lung Force if they are active in your city.

While the ALA supports all people with lung cancer, they have a niche in uniting women with lung cancer from around the country. Lung cancer in women can differ from lung cancer in men in many ways, from the most common symptoms to the treatments that might work best.

Related: What Is It Really Like to Have Cancer?

Upstage Lung Cancer

A small but active lung cancer organization is Upstage Lung Cancer, headed up by lung cancer survivor Hildy Grossman. This group shows how anyone can use their talents and special interests to make a difference for those living with lung cancer now and those diagnosed in the future.

If you are looking at ways to boost early detection in lung cancer, this may be the organization you choose to support. When lung cancer is caught in the early stages of the disease, it may be curable with surgery.

Sadly, about half of all people with lung cancer are not diagnosed until their cancer has progressed to stage 3B or stage 4. These stages are considered advanced lung cancer. If everyone who qualified for lung cancer screening did so, the lung cancer death rate could be reduced by an estimated 20% in the U.S.

At the same time, many people are unaware that this screening is even available. One analysis of a year's worth of data in 10 states found just 14.4% of those eligible to receive lung cancer screening did so.


The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends annual CT lung cancer screening for people who meet all of the following criteria:

  • Are between 50 and 80 years old

  • Have a 20 or more pack-years history of smoking

  • Currently smoke or have quit smoking within the past 15 years

  • Are healthy enough overall to undergo treatment if diagnosed with lung cancer

The American Cancer Society also recommends screening for those who meet the same criteria, but unlike the USPSTF, it does not place a time limit on when to stop annual screening.

International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC)

The IASLC is a large international organization focused on every aspect of lung cancer. At yearly meetings, researchers from around the globe share the latest findings with oncologists worldwide.

In recent years, the IASLC has provided scholarships for patients and advocates to attend these meetings as well—both to learn and to be a voice. Many lung cancer doctors and researchers have found that hearing the voices and seeing the faces of people living with the condition helps them return to their clinics or labs with renewed passion to make a difference.

Lung Cancer Foundation of America

The Lung Cancer Foundation of America supports lung cancer research, though their focus is on "transformative changes." This means that it supports the kind of groundbreaking research that can lead to potential cures in the very near future. The website is a wealth of information, with links to the latest research as well as clinical trials for lung cancer.

For doctors and scientists, the Foundation also provides information about funding opportunities. For patients, the "Meet the Investigators" section on the website is a window into a world of ongoing research. It's something that can bring hope for those who don't see change happening quickly enough.

Related: Reasons Why Smoking Cessation Won't Eliminate Lung Cancer Deaths


The CancerCare organization stands out in the effort to support lung cancer. If you are looking for comprehensive cancer information on a very wide range of topics, CancerCare likely has it.

The group also holds Connect Education workshops, and you can listen to hour-long talks in the comfort of your home. There is an extensive archive of previous workshops ranging from the latest advances in lung cancer treatment to tips for family caregivers. Lung cancer support groups and online cancer communities are also available, as well as counseling and financial support.


The CancerCare mission is based on a common principle among lung cancer groups: that one lung cancer diagnosis is really a family's disease. It also offers education and support for family caregivers of people with cancer.


There are many worthy organizations that need support in the fight against lung cancer. Some focus on early detection. Others make a difference through advocacy and public policy initiatives.

Whether it's funding research, supporting people living with lung cancer, or focusing on specific groups like women or young people, they continue the work and welcome others to join them.

A Word From Verywell

The lung cancer organizations listed here are among the leading national and global groups, and there may be ways to connect with them in your own community. But there are other organizations, often serving the needs of those closer to home on a local or regional basis. Don't hesitate to reach out to a lung cancer organization near you for support if you need it, or to help if you are able.

Read Next: Cancer Support Groups and Communities

Read the original article on Verywell Health.