The Laws Of Physics Don't Apply To This BMX Rider

BMX riders have some sort of pact with the powers that be that allows them to periodically defy the laws of physics. At a certain point, you have to stop asking how and just sit back and watch in awe. 

Take a look at one more example of a BMX rider proving he's not human below.

The thing that is really amazing about this clip and others like it is just how effortless they make it look. I, and presumably no one else watching this is under the impression that stuff like this is easy, but can they at least make it look even remotely challenging?

It's one thing to see someone throw a difficult trick and have it look like they are actually trying, but to see someone just effortlessly glide around like Jay Dalton did in that clip is almost infuriating because it shouldn't look that easy.

Above all else, that clip was just truly impressive. If it were actually an option, I would make some pretty questionable deals with my soul to be able to ride like that.

Related: Another BMX Rider Seems To Defy The Laws Of Physics

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